I am creating a website as well as ios App. I implemented paypal and creadit card payment with it. Current scenario is when user open ios app and came at the point to purchase something. He'll select option either paypal or credit card. On selection of any option,respective window will open in web browser. After that user will input his credential for paypal/credit card. It will process input and generate some output like success response, failure response. My problem is how to show or send that response message to ios app from web browser.

Push notification can be used for this but don't know how to implement it.


1 回答 1


您可以将交易结果存储在数据库中(在 Web 服务器上)并创建一个简单的 API,使您的应用能够调用 Web 服务器,并获得类似“付费/未付费”的响应

于 2013-11-07T09:18:01.200 回答