public String printSection(){
LinkedListNode current = front;
String searchedLetter;
int i = 0;
String retSec = "The nodes in the list are:\n";
//Get the input of the name being removed
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter the first letter of the section you would like to print out");
searchedLetter = s.nextLine();
//while current is not null
while(current != null){
//if the data in current starts with the letter entered for searchedLetter
//if(current.getData().substring(0,1) == searchedLetter){
//Increment the number of the node
//Print the node(s)
retSec += "Node " + i + " is: " + current.getData() + "\n";
//Traverse the list
current = current.getNext();
System.out.println("You made it here");
return retSec;
public void printSection(){
LinkedListNode current = front;
String searchedLetter;
int i = 0;
//Get the input of the name being removed
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter the first letter of the section you would like to print out");
searchedLetter = s.nextLine();
//while current is not null
while(current != null){
//if the data in current starts with the letter entered for searchedLetter
//Increment the number of the node
//Print the node
System.out.println("Node " + i + " is: " + current.getData());
//Traverse the list
current = current.getNext();