I am using Dynamics CRM 2013.

How does one apply the rich text editor styling seen on the description field on the email form to other multiple line text fields? Viewing the source code it is obvious that the system is treating the rich text field very differently from the normal multiple line text fields in that instead of rendering a textarea it is rendering a table with an embedded iframe.

In CRM 2011, I have used extensions that wrap up the TinyMCE editor but they were never very effective. It seems odd that I can't just check a box to do this to any text field in the settings when the behaviour is obviously built in.

Thanks in advance.



3 回答 3



于 2013-11-07T09:50:47.417 回答

不幸的是,默认情况下 CRM 不支持它。如果您需要它,您必须自定义 CRM。但是,如果您在此处遵循我的教程,这并不难: CRM 2013 中的富文本编辑器 (WYSIWYG)

问题是您将创建一个 Web 资源 html 页面,然后您可以通过简单地将 iframe 链接添加到该 Web 资源,在不同的实体表单上重复使用该页面。

于 2015-02-12T11:29:45.643 回答

您可以在需要编辑器的实体中创建支持字段,然后将该字段与为您生成 HTML 的网络资源一起使用。例如,网络资源可以是包含 Javascript 文件的 HTML 文件,后者提供富文本编辑器功能。网络上最受欢迎的富文本编辑器之一是TinyMCE我使用 TinyMCE 实现了这个想法,并在Codeplex上发布了代码和 CRM 解决方案(托管和非托管)。

此外,此解决方案适用于 CRM 2013 和 CRM 2015

于 2016-02-08T19:43:36.210 回答