我正在处理 4clojure 问题,并且不断出现类似的问题。我将编写一个适用于除一个测试用例之外的所有测试用例的解决方案。它通常是检查惰性求值的那个。下面的解决方案适用于除最后一个测试用例之外的所有测试用例。我已经尝试了各种解决方案,但似乎无法让它停止评估,直到整数溢出。我阅读了 Joy of Clojure 中关于惰性序列的章节,但我很难实现它们。有没有我忘记的经验法则,比如不要使用循环或类似的东西?
; This version is non working at the moment, will try to edit a version that works
(defn i-between [p k coll]
(loop [v [] coll coll]
(let [i (first coll) coll (rest coll) n (first coll)]
(cond (and i n)
(let [ret (if (p i n) (cons k (cons i v)) (cons i v))]
(recur ret coll))
(cons i v )
:else v))))
(fn i-between [p k coll]
(letfn [(looper [coll]
(if (empty? coll) coll
(let [[h s & xs] coll
c (cond (and h s (p h s))
(list h k )
(and h s)
(list h )
:else (list h))]
(lazy-cat c (looper (rest coll))))
))] (looper coll)))