- 如果我输入 10-100,则图形正确绘制到矩形中而不会退出。然而,如果我输入 1000,图形会“无限”地脱离矩形。
我如何缩放,使用什么,这样无论我有多少点,图形都会保持它的限制? 如果有帮助,代码将是:
// get the graphics object and create our pen for drawing.
object[] args;
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Blue);
// figure out the client space
Size sz = this.ClientSize;
// Determine the rectangle that we will use to draw
int offsetHeight = this.textBox1Limita.Location.Y + this.textBox1Limita.Height + 20;
int offsetWidth = 40;
int maxWidth = sz.Width - offsetWidth * 2;
int maxHeight = sz.Height - offsetHeight * 2;
Rectangle drawingSpace = new Rectangle(offsetWidth, offsetHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight);
// Draw the begining rectangle
g.DrawRectangle(pen, offsetWidth, offsetHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight);
// at this point, only continue if the user pressed enter in one of the two input boxes.
if (!ValuesEntered) return;
args = new object[1];
args[0] = int.Parse(this.textBox1Limita.Text);
catch (Exception)
// We reached here, the user input some bogus values into the box.
// Just return so we dont do anything with those values.
int lim=(int)mi.Invoke(o, args);
int step =5;
int k = 1;
g.DrawLine(pen, drawingSpace.X + 1 * step, offsetWidth + maxHeight - 1 * step, drawingSpace.X + 2 * step, offsetWidth + maxHeight - 1 * step);
for (int j = 0; j <lim; j++)
if (j == lim-1)
g.DrawLine(pen, drawingSpace.X + vectorPrime[j] * step, offsetWidth + maxHeight - k * step, drawingSpace.X + (int)args[0] * step, offsetWidth + maxHeight - k * step);
g.DrawLine(pen, drawingSpace.X + vectorPrime[j] * step, offsetWidth + maxHeight - k * step, drawingSpace.X + (vectorPrime[j + 1]-1) * step, offsetWidth + maxHeight - k * step);
g.DrawLine(pen, drawingSpace.X + (vectorPrime[j + 1]-1) * step, offsetWidth + maxHeight - k * step, drawingSpace.X + vectorPrime[j+1]*step, offsetWidth + maxHeight - (k+1)*step);
哦,还有别的东西,我用 Graphics.FillEllipse 找到了一些东西......这会是一个解决方案吗?