RangeError:错误 #2006:提供的索引超出范围。在 flash.text::TextField/setTextFormat() 在 BibleProgram_fla::MainTimeline/checkAgainstBible() 在 BibleProgram_fla::MainTimeline/compileInputString() 在 BibleProgram_fla::MainTimeline/spaceBuild()
function spaceBuild(event:Event):void //This program runs every frame
function compileInputString():void
inputVerse = inputText.text; // takes text from the input field
inputVerse = inputVerse.toLowerCase();
inputVerse = inputVerse.replace(rexWhiteSpace, ""); //Removes spaces and line breaks
inputVerse = inputVerse.replace(rexPunc, ""); // Removes punctuation
inputVerse = addSpaces(inputVerse); //adds spaces back in to match the BibleVerse
inputVerse = addCaps(inputVerse); //adds capitalization to match the BibleVerse
function checkAgainstBible()
outputText.text = inputVerse; // sets output text to be formatted to show which letters are wrong
for(var n:Number = 0; n < inputText.length; n++)
var specLetter:String = inputVerse.charAt(n);
if(specLetter != bibleVerse.charAt(n))
outputText.setTextFormat(red, n); // sets all of the wrong letters to red
每当我运行程序并键入一个比 BibleVerse 长的字符串时,它都会返回错误,但我不知道如何修复它。