我正在尝试从 CSV 文件创建 SQL INSERT 语句。我已成功打开并读取文件。我什至以表格格式输出文件。但是,我在 for 循环中所做的更改(例如何时$c == 0
不起作用)。它只是像在 csv 文件中一样输出到表中。这就是我想要改变的!为了保持这个例子,我试图让“John Doe”这个名字成为“john”和“Doe”。CSV 文件的名称为一个,我想分成第一个和最后一个。
此外,电话号码也没有改变。更改它们的代码以$c == 5
. 有趣的是当我把它们放在这里时:http: //ideone.com/HfGXJk它工作正常。
function fgetcsv_PHP()
if (($handle = fopen("guests.csv", "r")) !== FALSE)
$length = 1000;
$delimiter = ",";
$fname = array();
$lname = array();
$address = array();
$city = array();
$state = array();
$zip = array();
$phone = array();
$email = array();
//print opening table
echo "<table border='1'>\n";
while ( ( $data = fgetcsv( $handle, $length, $delimiter ) ) !== FALSE )
// Count number of array elements in $data
$num = count($data);
// Print opening table row HTML tag
echo "<tr>\n";
//loop through array
for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++)
if ($c == 0)
$name = $c;
$name = explode(" ",$name);
$first = array_shift($name);
$last = array_pop($name);
array_push($fname, $first);
array_push($lname, $last);
echo "<td>".$data[$first]."</td>\n";
if ($c == 1)
array_push($address, $c);
echo "<td>".$data[$c]."</td>\n";
if ($c == 2)
array_push($city, $c);
echo "<td>".$data[$c]."</td>\n";
if ($c == 3)
array_push($state, $c);
echo "<td>".$data[$c]."</td>\n";
if ($c == 4)
array_push($zip, $c);
echo "<td>".$data[$c]."</td>\n";
if ($c ==5)
$phnum = $c;
$phnum = preg_replace('~[^0-9]~','',$phnum);
array_push($phone, $phnum);
echo "<td>".$data[$phnum]."</td>\n";
if ($c == 6)
array_push($email, $c);
echo "<td>".$data[$c]."</td>\n";
// Print closing table row HTML tag
echo "</tr>\n";
// Print close table HTML tag
echo "</table>";
// Close the file pointed to by $handle