. 并非所有字体都支持所有特征。例如,标题字体是根据用户喜欢的内容大小加权的,即使您可以去掉其粗体特征的描述符,匹配UIFont
// Start with a system font, in this case the headline font
// bold: YES italic: NO
UIFontDescriptor * originalDescriptor = [UIFontDescriptor preferredFontDescriptorWithTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleHeadline];
NSLog(@"originalDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(originalDescriptor), isItalic(originalDescriptor));
// Try to set the italic trait. This may not be what you expected; the
// italic trait is not added. On a normal UIFontDescriptor the italic
// trait would have been set and the bold trait unset.
// Ultimately it seems that there is no variant of the headline font that
// is italic but not bold.
// bold: YES italic: NO
UIFontDescriptor * italicDescriptor = [originalDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic];
NSLog(@"italicDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(italicDescriptor), isItalic(italicDescriptor));
// The correct way to make this font descriptor italic (and coincidentally
// the safe way to make any other descriptor italic without discarding its
// other traits) would be as follows:
// bold: YES italic: YES
UIFontDescriptor * boldItalicDescriptor = [originalDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:(originalDescriptor.symbolicTraits | UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic)];
NSLog(@"boldItalicDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(boldItalicDescriptor), isItalic(boldItalicDescriptor));
// Your intention was to remove bold without affecting any other traits, which
// is also easy to do with bitwise logic.
// Using the originalDescriptor, remove bold by negating it then applying
// a logical AND to filter it out of the existing traits.
// bold: NO italic: NO
UIFontDescriptor * nonBoldDescriptor = [originalDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:(originalDescriptor.symbolicTraits & ~UIFontDescriptorTraitBold)];
NSLog(@"nonBoldDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(nonBoldDescriptor), isItalic(nonBoldDescriptor));
// Seems like it worked, EXCEPT there is no font that matches. Turns out
// there is no regular weight alternative for the headline style font.
// To confirm, test with UIFontDescriptorTraitsAttribute as the mandatory
// key and you'll get back a nil descriptor.
// bold: YES italic: NO
nonBoldDescriptor = [nonBoldDescriptor matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys:nil].firstObject;
NSLog(@"nonBoldDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(nonBoldDescriptor), isItalic(nonBoldDescriptor));
BOOL isBold(UIFontDescriptor * fontDescriptor)
return (fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits & UIFontDescriptorTraitBold) != 0;
BOOL isItalic(UIFontDescriptor * fontDescriptor)
return (fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits & UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic) != 0;