I'm currently attempting to do my development on Chrome OS. I've found some very useful services with Google Drive and also services such as Nitrous.io. However, the part that is causing issues is finding a suitable replacement to database management. Currently, I've been using SQL Server on Windows. I don't mind transitioning to sqlite, mysql, etc. but I'm looking for a cloud solution to it. Free (perhaps sqlite stored on google drive?) would be nice, but I'm not opposed to paid hosting options. Has anyone transitioned to Chrome OS or something similar where they are doing their database management in the cloud?
625 次
1 回答
我会选择谷歌云 SQL,它为您提供 MySQL 即服务的强大功能。它有一些强大的选项,你可以从谷歌应用引擎和谷歌计算引擎中使用它。当然,您也可以在以下位置尝试亚马逊 SQL 选项:http ://aws.amazon.com/rds/ ,其中包含一组不错的 RDS。如果您希望使用 noSQL 解决方案,有很多选择:
- Google 数据存储 - 这是一项强大的技术,可为您带来强大的功能。
- 亚马逊 - http://aws.amazon.com/nosql/
- http://tour.mongohq.com/
于 2013-11-07T08:01:55.120 回答