我正在获取页面 html 代码。
我可以删除所有 html 标记和脚本。也想删<title> whatever here </html>
在 SO 上测试了所有解决方案。没有帮助
function plaintext($html)
$plaintext = preg_replace('#([<]title)(.*)([<]/title[>])#', ' ', $html);
//$plaintext = preg_match('#<title>(.*?)</title>#', $html);
// remove comments and any content found in the the comment area (strip_tags only removes the actual tags).
$plaintext = preg_replace('#<!--.*?-->#s', '', $plaintext);
// put a space between list items (strip_tags just removes the tags).
$plaintext = preg_replace('#</li>#', ' </li>', $plaintext);
// remove all script and style tags
$plaintext = preg_replace('#<(script|style)\b[^>]*>(.*?)</(script|style)>#is', "", $plaintext);
// remove br tags (missed by strip_tags)
$plaintext = preg_replace("#<br[^>]*?>#", " ", $plaintext);
// remove all remaining html
$plaintext = strip_tags($plaintext);
return $plaintext;