我正在尝试获取实体的所有属性,然后确定它们的类型 - 我知道我可以在这一行做一些事情:

if(![[thisAttribute attributeValueClassName] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {

但是如何检查 BOOL、浮点数或整数?


//get the attributes for this entity - we need to parse the dictionary of data we want to store and convert its contents from NSStrings to whatever type the entity requires
    NSEntityDescription* entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:strEntityName inManagedObjectContext:myMOC];
    NSDictionary* dictAttributes = [entity attributesByName];

    for(NSString* strThisKey in dictAttributes) {

        NSAttributeDescription* thisAttribute = [dictAttributes objectForKey:strThisKey];
        NSString* strAttributeType = [thisAttribute attributeValueClassName];

        //look for a match in the data keys (the dict we passed) with the entity keys
        for(NSString* strDataKey in dictDataToStore) {

            if ([strDataKey isEqualToString:strThisKey]) {

                if(![strAttributeType isEqualToString:@"NSString"]) {

                    //check for whatever else (@"NSDate", @"NSNumber", etc.)


好的,我误解了 NSAttributeDescription 返回给我的内容,我编辑了代码并基本上回答了我的问题。希望这可以帮助其他人。


1 回答 1


您可以使用NSEntityDescriptionNSPropertyDescriptionAPI 来确定建模实体的类型。


switch (thisAttribute.attributeType) {
  case NSInteger16AttributeType: { /* do something */; } break;
  case NSDecimalAttributeType  : { /* do something */; } break;
  case NSStringAttributeType   : { /* do something */; } break;
  case NSBooleanAttributeType  : { /* do something */; } break;
  // etc
  default: break;
于 2013-11-06T17:42:30.600 回答