将 Facebook SDK 集成到 android 时遇到问题。基本上,我已经成功集成到我的手机中。我按照教程添加了具有 30 长度字符串的哈希键。然后在我的设备上测试它工作正常。

然而,当我让我的朋友试用我的应用程序时,他报告说他无法对分享 facebook 的东西做任何事情。这是执行共享内容的代码块:

 * Publish Feed Dialog
 * @param current
 * @param title
 * @param caption
 * @param description
 * @param link
 * @param pictureUrl
public static void publishFeedDialog(final Activity current, final String title, final String caption, final String description, final String link, final String pictureUrl) {
    // start Facebook Login
    Session.openActiveSession(current, true, new Session.StatusCallback() {

        // callback when session changes state
        public void call(Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception) {
            if (session.isOpened()) {
                Bundle params = new Bundle();
                params.putString("name", title);
                params.putString("caption", caption);
                params.putString("description", description);

                if (link != null) params.putString("link", link);
                if (pictureUrl != null) params.putString("picture", pictureUrl);

                WebDialog feedDialog = (new WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder(current, Session.getActiveSession(), params))
                        .setOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener() {

                            public void onComplete(Bundle values, FacebookException error) {
                                if (error == null) {
                                    // When the story is posted, echo the
                                    // success
                                    // and the post Id.
                                    final String postId = values.getString("post_id");
                                    if (postId != null) {
                                        Toast.makeText(current, "Posted", 2000).show();
                                    } else {
                                        // User clicked the Cancel button
                                        Toast.makeText(current, "Publish cancelled", 2000).show();
                                } else if (error instanceof FacebookOperationCanceledException) {
                                    // User clicked the "x" button
                                  Toast.makeText(current, "Publish cancelled", 2000).show();
                                } else {
                                    // Generic, ex: network error
                                  Toast.makeText(current, "Error posting story", 2000).show();


我只使用这段代码来发布提要对话框。对于 facebook 应用程序设置:

  1. 包名称-> com.ImranQureshi.HadithPro
  2. 类名 -> com.imran.hadith.MainActivity
  3. 密钥哈希 -> t8tk8tRXcAXxnn4U0mRcCBSqHf
  4. Facebook 登录 -> 已启用
  5. 深度链接 -> 禁用

如果我不使用密钥哈希,我会在那里得到异常,它说:com.facebook.http.protocol.ApiException: Key hash t8tk8tRXcAXxnn4U0mRcCBSqHf does not match any stored key hashes



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