使用 JAVA 和 Xuggler - 下面的代码组合了一个 MP3 音频文件和一个 MP4 电影文件,并输出一个组合的 mp4 文件。
while (containerVideo.readNextPacket(packetvideo) >= 0)
它提供 400 次迭代 - 使影片运行 15 秒。正是我想要的。
但由于某种原因,音频在 10 秒后被切断 - 使电影的最后 5 秒无声。
看起来好像视频 IStreamCoder 的单次迭代的持续时间与音频 IStreamCoder 的单次迭代的持续时间不同。
我怎样才能让声音充满电影的整个 15 秒?
String inputVideoFilePath = "in.mp4";
String inputAudioFilePath = "in.mp3";
String outputVideoFilePath = "out.mp4";
IMediaWriter mWriter = ToolFactory.makeWriter(outputVideoFilePath);
IContainer containerVideo = IContainer.make();
IContainer containerAudio = IContainer.make();
// check files are readable
if (containerVideo.open(inputVideoFilePath, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cant find " + inputVideoFilePath);
if (containerAudio.open(inputAudioFilePath, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cant find " + inputAudioFilePath);
// read video file and create stream
IStreamCoder coderVideo = containerVideo.getStream(0).getStreamCoder();
if (coderVideo.open(null, null) < 0)
throw new RuntimeException("Cant open video coder");
IPacket packetvideo = IPacket.make();
int width = coderVideo.getWidth();
int height = coderVideo.getHeight();
// read audio file and create stream
IStreamCoder coderAudio = containerAudio.getStream(0).getStreamCoder();
if (coderAudio.open(null, null) < 0)
throw new RuntimeException("Cant open audio coder");
IPacket packetaudio = IPacket.make();
mWriter.addAudioStream(1, 0, coderAudio.getChannels(), coderAudio.getSampleRate());
mWriter.addVideoStream(0, 0, width, height);
while (containerVideo.readNextPacket(packetvideo) >= 0) {
// video packet
IVideoPicture picture = IVideoPicture.make(coderVideo.getPixelType(), width, height);
coderVideo.decodeVideo(picture, packetvideo, 0);
if (picture.isComplete())
mWriter.encodeVideo(0, picture);
// audio packet
IAudioSamples samples = IAudioSamples.make(512, coderAudio.getChannels(), IAudioSamples.Format.FMT_S32);
coderAudio.decodeAudio(samples, packetaudio, 0);
if (samples.isComplete())
mWriter.encodeAudio(1, samples);