我正在使用regexSPARQL 函数,并以这种方式将两个变量传递给它:

FILTER regex(?x, ?y, "i")

例如,我想比较这两个字符串:Via de' cerretanivia dei Cerretani. 通过提取第一个字符串的重要单词,cerretani在这种情况下通常是最后一个单词,并检查它是否包含在第二个字符串中。如您所见,我将这两个字符串作为变量传递。我怎样才能做到这一点?


1 回答 1


起初,我认为这是您之前的问题的副本,即Comparing two strings with SPARQL,但这是在询问返回编辑距离的函数。这里的任务更加具体:检查一个字符串的最后一个单词是否包含在另一个字符串中(不区分大小写)。只要我们采用您的规格




select ?x ?y ?lastWordOfX ?isMatch ?isIMatch where { 
  # Values gives us some test data.  It just means that ?x and ?y
  # will be bound to the specified values.  In your final query, 
  # these would be coming from somewhere else.
  values (?x ?y) {
    ("Via de' cerretani" "via dei Cerretani")
    ("Doctor Who" "Who's on first?")
    ("CaT" "The cAt in the hat")
    ("John Doe" "Don't, John!")

  # For "the significant word of the string which is
  # usually the last one", note that the "all but the last word" 
  # is matched by the pattern ".* ".  We can replace "all but the
  # last word to leave just the last word.  (Note that if the
  # pattern doesn't match, then the original string is returned.
  # This is good for us, because if there's just a single word, 
  # then it's also the last word.)
  bind( replace( ?x, ".* ", "" ) as ?lastWordOfX )

  # When you check whether the second string contains the first, 
  # you can either leave the cases as they are and have a case
  # sensitive check, or you can convert them both to the same 
  # case and have a case insensitive match.
  bind( contains( ?y, ?lastWordOfX ) as ?isMatch )
  bind( contains( lcase(?y), lcase(?lastWordOfX) ) as ?isIMatch )
| x                   | y                    | lastWordOfX | isMatch | isIMatch |
| "Via de' cerretani" | "via dei Cerretani"  | "cerretani" | false   | true     |
| "Doctor Who"        | "Who's on first?"    | "Who"       | true    | true     |
| "CaT"               | "The cAt in the hat" | "CaT"       | false   | true     |
| "John Doe"          | "Don't, John!"       | "Doe"       | false   | false    |


select ?x ?y {
  values (?x ?y) {
    ("Via de' cerretani" "via dei Cerretani")
    ("Doctor Who" "Who's on first?")
    ("CaT" "The cAt in the hat")
    ("John Doe" "Don't, John!")
  filter( contains( lcase(?y), lcase(replace( ?x, ".* ", "" ))))
| x                   | y                    |
| "Via de' cerretani" | "via dei Cerretani"  |
| "Doctor Who"        | "Who's on first?"    |
| "CaT"               | "The cAt in the hat" |


contains( lcase(?y), lcase(replace( ?x, ".* ", "" )))



但我认为它相当短。如果您愿意使用最后一个单词 of?x作为正则表达式(这可能不是一个好主意,因为您不知道它不包含特殊的正则表达式字符),您甚至可以使用:

regex( replace( ?x, ".* ", "" ), ?y, "i" )


于 2013-11-06T12:37:57.310 回答