我一直在尝试序列化这个可迭代的 java 类以供后续部署。在下面的类中包含Serializable标记会导致 java 错误。该代码是一个通用的多集(袋)实现,它使用链表数据结构并实现迭代器实用程序,以便在多集中轻松进行通用项迭代。任何人都可以洒一些编码精灵灰尘并挽救局面吗?帮助 Java-beans 制作一个典型的文档!!
/**my iterable class **
public class Bagged<Item> implements Iterable<Item> {
private int n;
private Node first;
//create empty bag
public Bagged(){ first= null; n= 0; }
//check if bag is empty
public boolean empty(){return first==null;}
//add item
public void add(Item item){
Node theold = first;
first = new Node();
first.item= item;
first.nextnode = theold;
//return the number of items
public int size(){return n;}
//create linked list class as a helper
private class Node{private Item item; private Node nextnode; }
//returns an iterator that iterates over all items in thine bag
public Iterator<Item> iterator(){
return new ListIterator();
//iterator class--> remove() function ommited typical of a bag implementation.
private class ListIterator implements Iterator<Item>
private Node current = first;
public void remove(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException();}
public boolean hasNext(){return current!=null;}
public Item next()
if(!hasNext())throw new NoSuchElementException();
Item item = current.item;
current = current.nextnode;
return item;
//main class omitted- end of iterable class.