Access 2013 不支持 ADP。给出了 ADP 的一些替代方案:

  • 将 ADP 转换为链接的 Access 桌面数据库。
  • 将对象导入 ACCDE 文件,然后使用早期版本的 Access 创建与现有数据的链接表。

我的 ADP 仅包含表单、报告、宏和模块。我想在 Access 2013 中使用这个 ADP(不在任何早期版本的 Access 上)。

我还没有找到任何方法将 ADP 转换为链接的 Access 桌面数据库或将对象导入 Access 2013 上的 ACCDE 文件。

如何使用 Access 2013 将 ADP 转换为链接的 Access 桌面数据库或将对象导入 ACCDE 文件?


2 回答 2


如何使用 Access 2013 将 ADP 转换为链接的 Access 桌面数据库或将对象导入 ACCDE 文件?

你不能。Access 2013根本不适用于 ADP 文件。如果您尝试从 Access 2013 中的 ADP 文件导入对象,则会收到以下错误:

此版本的 Access 不再支持 Access 数据项目。


  • 找一台装有 Access 2010 或更早版本的机器,
  • 使用它将查询、表单等从 ADP 导入到.accdb.mdb文件中,然后
  • 将其.accdb.mdb文件带回您的 Access 2013 机器并从那里继续。


是否无法使用 access 2013 将 ADP 转换为链接的 Access 桌面数据库

显然不是。即使尝试使用 VBA 将 Form 对象从.adp文件复制到.accdb文件中也会失败。以下代码:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Sub adpImportTest()
    Dim dbPath As String, formName As String
    On Error GoTo adpImportTest_Error

    Debug.Print "Try importing a form from an .accdb file..."
    dbPath = "C:\Users\Gord\Documents\accdbTest.accdb"
    formName = "myCustomers"
    DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", dbPath, acForm, formName, formName
    Debug.Print "Import succeeded."

    Debug.Print "Try importing a form from an .adp file..."
    dbPath = "C:\Users\Gord\Documents\NorthwindCS.adp"
    formName = "Customers"
    DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", dbPath, acForm, formName, formName
    Debug.Print "Import succeeded."

    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Description
End Sub


Try importing a form from an .accdb file...
Import succeeded.

Try importing a form from an .adp file...
The search key was not found in any record.

如果我们试图偷偷摸摸地将.adp文件重命名为,.mdb那么 Access 2013 将不会读取它:


正如我所说,您需要使用 Access 2010(或更早版本)将文件中的对象提取.adp.accdbor.mdb文件中。然后,您可以在 Access 2013 中使用.accdb或文件。.mdb

于 2013-11-06T15:09:11.437 回答

使用 office<2013 例如 2010 2007

尝试使用另存为文本/从文本加载以传输表单然后您可以编辑文本文件,为您的 accdb 链接表准备记录源。



Option Compare Database
Option Base 0
Option Explicit

Dim path$
Dim DateTimeString$
Dim app As Access.Application

Function SaveFormAsText(FormName As String) As Boolean
  Dim sPath As String
  Access.SaveAsText acForm, FormName, "C:\Temp" & "\" & FormName & ".txt"
End Function

Function LoadFormFromText(FormName As String)
  Access.LoadFromText acForm, FormName, "C:\Temp" & "\" & FormName & ".txt"
End Function

Private Sub SaveMDBObjectsAsText()

    DateTimeString = Format(Now(), "yyyymmddhhnn")
    path = CurrentProject.path & "\" '& "AS_TEXT_" & DateTimeString & "\"

    If Dir(path) <> "" Then
        'It exists
        On Error Resume Next
        MkDir path
        On Error GoTo 0

    End If

    CreateProjectFromText (path)

End Sub

Public Sub CreateProjectFromText(pathString As String)
    path = pathString
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim r As Reference
    With app
        With .CurrentProject
            path = .FullName
        End With

        For Each r In .References
            With r
                If Not .BuiltIn Then
                    app.References.Remove r
                End If
            End With
        Next r

        For Each r In References
            With r
                If Not .BuiltIn Then
                    app.References.AddFromGuid r.GUID, r.Major, r.Minor
                End If
            End With
        Next r
        .RunCommand acCmdSaveAllModules
        .RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules
        .SysCmd 603, path, Replace(Replace(Replace(path, ".accdb", ".accde"), ".adp", ".ade"), ".mdb", ".mde")
    End With
    Set app = Nothing
    MsgBox "All Done with Text Backup"

End Sub

Private Sub SaveDataAccessPagesAsText()
    Dim filename$
    Dim Name$
    Dim DataAccessPage As AccessObject
    For Each DataAccessPage In CurrentProject.AllDataAccessPages
        Name = DataAccessPage.Name
        filename = path & Name & ".txt"
        SaveAsText acDataAccessPage, Name, filename
    Next DataAccessPage
End Sub

Private Sub SaveFormsAsText()
    Dim filename$
    Dim Name$
    Dim Form As AccessObject
    For Each Form In CurrentProject.AllForms
        Name = Form.Name
        filename = path & Name & ".txt"
        SaveAsText acForm, Name, filename
    Next Form
End Sub

Private Sub SaveReportsAsText()
    Dim filename$
    Dim Name$
    Dim Report As AccessObject
    For Each Report In CurrentProject.AllReports
        Name = Report.Name
        filename = path & Name & ".txt"
        SaveAsText acReport, Name, filename
    Next Report
End Sub

Private Sub SaveMacrosAsText()
    Dim filename$
    Dim Name$
    Dim Macro As AccessObject
    For Each Macro In CurrentProject.AllMacros
        Name = Macro.Name
        filename = path & Name & ".txt"
        SaveAsText acMacro, Name, filename
    Next Macro
End Sub

Private Sub SaveModulesAsText()
    Dim filename$
    Dim Name$
    Dim Module As AccessObject
    For Each Module In CurrentProject.AllModules
        Name = Module.Name
        filename = path & Name & ".txt"
        SaveAsText acModule, Name, filename
    Next Module
End Sub

Private Sub SaveQueriesAsText()
    Dim filename$
    Dim Name$
    Dim GetQueryNames As ADODB.Recordset
    Set GetQueryNames = CurrentProject.connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaViews)
    With GetQueryNames
        Do While Not .EOF
            Name = .Fields("TABLE_NAME")
            filename = path & Name & ".txt"
            SaveAsText acQuery, Name, filename
    End With
End Sub

Private Function SaveAccdbDBase() As Database
    Dim ws As DAO.Workspace
    Dim db As DAO.Database

    'Get default Workspace
    Set ws = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)

    Dim filename$
    Dim Name$
    Name = Replace(CurrentProject.Name, CurrentProject.path, "")
    If Name Like "*.adp" Then
        Name = Replace(Name, "adp", "accdb")
        Name = Replace(Name, "accdb", "adp")
  End If
    filename = path & Name
 'Make sure there isn't already a file with the name of the new database
   If Dir(filename) <> "" Then Kill filename

   Set app = CreateObject("Access.Application")
   'Create a new mdb file
   If Name Like "*.adp" Then
        Application.CreateAccessProject filename, getConnection.ConnectionString
    Set db = ws.CreateDatabase(filename, dbLangGeneral)
    End If
   Set db = Nothing
    'SaveAsText 6, "", filename
    If Name Like "*.adp" Then

        app.Visible = True
        app.UserControl = True
        app.OpenAccessProject filename
        app.OpenCurrentDatabase filename
    End If
    app.SetOption "Show Navigation Pane Search Bar", True
    Set SaveAccdbDBase = db
End Function

Private Sub LoadDataAccessPagesFromText()
    Dim filename$
    Dim Name$
    Dim DataAccessPage As AccessObject
    For Each DataAccessPage In CurrentProject.AllDataAccessPages
        Name = DataAccessPage.Name
        filename = path & Name & ".txt"
        app.LoadFromText acDataAccessPage, Name, filename
    Next DataAccessPage
End Sub

Private Sub LoadFormsFromText()
    Dim filename$
    Dim Name$
    Dim Form As AccessObject
    For Each Form In CurrentProject.AllForms
        Name = Form.Name
        filename = path & Name & ".txt"
        On Error Resume Next
        app.LoadFromText acForm, Name, filename
    Next Form
End Sub

Sub CreateNewMDBFile()

   Dim ws As Workspace
   Dim db As Database
   Dim LFilename As String

   'Get default Workspace
   Set ws = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)

   'Path and file name for new mdb file
   LFilename = "c:\NewDB.mdb"

   'Make sure there isn't already a file with the name of the new database
   If Dir(LFilename) <> "" Then Kill LFilename

   'Create a new mdb file
   Set db = ws.CreateDatabase(LFilename, dbLangGeneral)

   'For lookup tables, export both table definition and data to new mdb file
   DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", LFilename, acTable, "Lookup Table1", "Lookup Table1", False

   'For data entry tables, export only table definition to new mdb file
   DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", LFilename, acTable, "DataEntry Table1", "DataEntry Table1", True

   Set db = Nothing

End Sub

运行 SaveMDBObjectsAsText() 以了解会发生什么

于 2015-04-07T13:16:50.737 回答