I have converted the C# code below (found in TreeViewAdv file AbortableThreadPool.cs) into code using the converter found at This is a learning project and I have whittled the errors caused by the auto-conversion down to this one error, and I am completely lost.
private void HandleItem(object ignored)
WorkItem item = null;
lock (_callbacks)
if (_callbacks.Count > 0)
item = _callbacks.First.Value;
if (item == null)
_threads.Add(item, Thread.CurrentThread);
ExecutionContext.Run(item.Context, delegate { item.Callback(item.State); }, null);
lock (_callbacks)
if (item != null)
Private Sub HandleItem(ByVal ignored As Object)
Dim item As WorkItem = Nothing
SyncLock _callbacks
If _callbacks.Count > 0 Then
item = _callbacks.First.Value
End If
If item Is Nothing Then
End If
_threads.Add(item, Thread.CurrentThread)
End SyncLock
ExecutionContext.Run(item.Context, Sub() item.Callback(item.State), Nothing)
SyncLock _callbacks
If item IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End SyncLock
End Try
End Sub
The Problem
The line:
ExecutionContext.Run(item.Context, Sub() item.Callback(item.State), Nothing)
in the VB code gives this error: Property access must assign to the property or use its value.
Assuming that the converter just got the syntax wrong I replaced Sub() with AddressOf and I got the error: 'AddressOf' operand must be the name of a method (without parentheses). However, i cannot remove the parentheses without also removing the arguement that I am passing to item.Callback (namely, item.State). This is confirmed by the fact that when I remove (item.state), I recieve another error: Method 'Friend ReadOnly Property Callback As System.Threading.WaitCallback' does not have a signature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub ContextCallback(state As Object)'.
The Question(s)
1.) A simple understanding of what the author is trying to do in that line.
2.) A workable solution for the VB code so that it will function as the C# code was intended.
Edit: Some more information that I think might help. Callback and State are ReadOnly properties of Class WorkItem, of types WaitCallback and Object respectively. Honestly, this confuses me as that would suggest that the C# code is passing a value to a read-only property.
Requested Information
Here is the Class WorkItem
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Namespace Aga.Controls.Threading
Public NotInheritable Class WorkItem
Private _callback As WaitCallback
Private _state As Object
Private _ctx As ExecutionContext
Friend Sub New(ByVal wc As WaitCallback, ByVal state As Object, ByVal ctx As ExecutionContext)
_callback = wc
_state = state
_ctx = ctx
End Sub
Friend ReadOnly Property Callback() As WaitCallback
Return _callback
End Get
End Property
Friend ReadOnly Property State() As Object
Return _state
End Get
End Property
Friend ReadOnly Property Context() As ExecutionContext
Return _ctx
End Get
End Property
End Class
End Namespace