I'm trying to use Vpython 3 to create the game brick. I'm new to programming but so far I've discovered how to make a ball move around and I have discovered how to use key events to move my paddle in the game. Here is my program so far:
from visual import *
ball = sphere(pos=(-5,0), radius=0.2, color=color.cyan)
wallR = box(pos=(3,0), size=(.2,12), color=color.green)
wallL = box(pos=(-7,0), size=(.2,12), color=color.green)
wallT = box(pos=(-2,6), size=(10,.2), color=color.green)
wallB = box(pos=(-2,-6), size=(10,.2), color=color.green)
paddle = box(pos=(0,-5), width=0, height=.2, length=1.5)
ball.velocity = vector(10,10)
deltat = 0.005
t = 0
while t<100:
if ball.pos.x < wallL.pos.x or ball.pos.x > wallR.pos.x:
ball.velocity.x = -ball.velocity.x
if ball.pos.y > wallT.pos.y or ball.pos.y < wallB.pos.y:
ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y
ball.pos = ball.pos + ball.velocity*deltat
t = t + deltat
if movement=='right':
if movement=='left':
My problem is that my ball only moves when I press the left or right arrow key and I want it to move at all times. I assume that it does this because the scene.kb.getkey() freezes everything for some reason. How do I get it to let the ball keep going while checking to see if a key has been pressed? (please explain it very simply, I am a beginner).