I am developing a Mechanical Turk HIT as an external question. My external question's webpage is hosted on Amazon EC2 and I am able to access it through Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. I successfully launch the HITs containing the external question through Boto. I then sign in to the MTurk sandbox and accept my own HIT. However, it only displays when I am using Internet Explorer! Both Chrome and Firefox display a blank rectangle.

This problem persists if I change my webpage from a Java applet to a simple Javascript page.

Has anyone else experienced this? The following question is similar but the answer doesn't explain what's going on: Mechanical Turk - can't view HIT, appears blank


This is actually true of ALL sandbox HITs I attempt to work on, not just ones I've created: only Internet Explorer is able to view them.


1 回答 1


这是因为在一些浏览器中启用了新的“混合内容阻止”,无意中破坏了托管在没有 SSL 证书的服务器上的 Mechanical Turk HIT。发生这种情况是因为浏览器现在会阻止 HTTPS 安全站点上的不安全 iframe。

解决此问题的唯一方法是购买 SSL 证书或在浏览器中绕过它。我还应该让您知道,工人已经意识到了这个问题,并且无论如何都会知道如何进行 HIT。

于 2013-11-06T00:56:34.477 回答