当您有更简单的嵌套数组时,您应该能够使用has和hasAll方法选择特定记录。但是,有一个未解决的问题表明这些方法都不能正常工作。有提交,但由于问题一直悬而未决,我认为它们不是 100% 修复的。
您应该能够通过将修改后的 JSON 传递到正常更新中来更新“comp”数据(假设您首先能够从数据库中获取数据)。但是,有一个开放的错误表明当记录值是对象时更新不起作用。因此,即使您能够查询数据并能够修改它,由于该错误,您无论如何都无法更新记录。但是,您可以执行删除和插入。
// To show what TAFFYDB looks like:
"[{"id":1,"gender":"M","first":"John","last":"Smith","city":"Seattle, WA","comp":[{" id":1,"audience":"洞穴"},{"id":2,"audience":"cottage"}],"___id":"T000003R000002","___s":true},{"id" :2,"gender":"F","first":"Basic","last":"Smith","city":"Seattle, WA","comp":[{"id":1,"观众":"布什"},{"id":2,"audience":"swamp"}],"___id":"T000003R000003","___s":true}]"
// Get a copy of the comp file from the database for what you want to modify.
// In this example, let's get the **first** record matching people with the name "John Smith":
var johnsComp = friends({first:"John",last:"Smith"}).first().comp;
// Remember, if you want to use select("comp") instead, this will return an array of results.
// So to get the first result, you would need to do this despite there being only one matching result:
// friends({first:"John",last:"Smith"}).select("comp")[0];
// There are no nested queries in TAFFYDB so you need to work with the resulting object as if it were normal javascript.
// You should know the structure and you can either modify things directly, iterate through it, or whatever.
// In this example, I'm just going to change one of the audience values directly:
johnsComp[0].audience = "plains";
// Now let's update that record with the newly modified object.
// Note - if there are more than one "John Smith"s, then all of them will be updated.
// To show what TAFFYDB looks like after updating:
"[{"id":1,"gender":"M","first":"John","last":"Smith","city":"Seattle, WA","comp":[{" id":1,"audience":"plains"},{"id":2,"audience":"cottage"}],"___id":"T000003R000002","___s":true},{"id" :2,"gender":"F","first":"Basic","last":"Smith","city":"Seattle, WA","comp":[{"id":1,"观众":"布什"},{"id":2,"audience":"swamp"}],"___id":"T000003R000003","___s":true}]"
db().update(function () {this.column = "value";return this;}); // sets column to "value" for all matching records