我对 Android 的 Admob (6.4.1) 横幅有疑问。当我单击横幅时,会打开 Web 浏览器。如果我使用主页按钮返回我的应用程序,浏览器会打开并且onDismissScreen()不会被触发。当我使用后退按钮返回我的应用程序时,横幅停止显示并loadAd called while an interstitial or landing page is displayed, so aborting出现在日志中。AdView我只使用with的 xml 定义ads:loadAdOnCreate="true"。我将 Ad House 与客户横幅一起使用,MinSDK = 8并且targetSDK = 17.


11-06 15:08:30.034: I/Ads(275): Received ad url: <url: ... the Ad."
11-06 15:08:30.034: I/Ads(275): Request scenario: Online server request.
11-06 15:08:30.044: W/webcore(275): Can't get the viewWidth after the first layout
11-06 15:08:30.804: W/webcore(275): Can't get the viewWidth after the first layout
11-06 15:08:31.094: D/webviewglue(275): nativeDestroy view: 0x437cb0
11-06 15:08:31.094: I/Ads(275): onReceiveAd()
11-06 15:08:31.154: D/webviewglue(275): nativeDestroy view: 0x51aaa0
11-06 15:08:36.865: I/Ads(275): onPresentScreen()
11-06 15:08:36.915: I/Ads(275): onLeaveApplication()
11-06 15:08:36.955: I/Ads(275): onPresentScreen()
11-06 15:08:36.975: I/Ads(275): onLeaveApplication()
11-06 15:08:43.395: D/dalvikvm(275): GC_EXPLICIT freed 11279 objects / 983360 bytes in 159ms

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