I'm developing a cube, and using PivotTable to play with said cube. I have this issue and I don't know if I'm seeing this because:

  1. This is just the way it is, or
  2. I'm missing something in my cube relationships, or
  3. I'm missing something in excel.

I have a Kimball-like Date dimension that is role playing. In my cube's Dimension Usage tab this dimension ("Document Create Date") has a referenced relationship to my "Document Count" fact table through the "Document" dimension.

In excel, I want to set up my PivotTable so that I can drill down in my rows through the dates and eventually into one of the "Document" dimension's fields (Document Number) only when I've gotten to the leaf level of the "Document Create Date" hierarchy.

Currently, when I add to the "Rows" area in PivotTable first the "Document Create Date.Calendar" hierarchy and next the "Document Number", all the Document Numbers always display. They display in the correct area (ie: under the correct place in the Date Hiearchy) and the totals are ok, but they're all there.

Your help is, as always, much appreciated.


1 回答 1


这就是它的方式。如果您添加一个层次结构,其“全部”成员下方的第一级总是展开。当然,您可以根据需要删除和添加层次结构,但如果添加它,它将始终在 Excel 数据透视表以及大多数其他客户端工具中展开。


于 2013-11-06T22:46:31.353 回答