I want to update the quantity of a shopping cart when the item is already in the cart and add it when it is not(added in the cart). I'm confused on how to solve the twist of this problem. I've google a lot of the same problem but there is no same exact problem/solution for this.

Here is the code of my view:

<?php if($lab): ?>
    <table class="table table-striped">
    <?php foreach($lab as $rows): ?>
            <td><?php echo $rows->ldesc; ?></td>
            <td><?php echo $rows->lprice; ?></td>
            <td><button value="<?php echo $rows->lid; ?>" class="btn btn-info addlabtype"><i class="icon-plus"></i></button></td>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<script type="text/javascript" >
            var id= $(this).val(),
                dataString = "id=" + id;

                    url: base_url + "inpatient/addlab",

Here is my controller:

public function addlab(){
    $data['cart'] = $this->inpatient_model->addlab();

And here is my model:

  public function addlab(){
    $q = $this->db->get();
    $lab = $q->result_array();
    $cart = $this->cart->contents();
        foreach($cart as $items){
            if($this->input->post('id') == $items['id']  ){
                'rowid' => $items['rowid'],
                'qty' => $items['qty'] + 1
                $data = array(
                    'id' => $lab[0]['lid'],
                    'name' => $lab[0]['ldesc'],
                    'qty' => 1,
                    'price' => $lab[0]['lprice']
        $data = array(
            'id' => $lab[0]['lid'],
            'name' => $lab[0]['ldesc'],
            'qty' => 1,
            'price' => $lab[0]['lprice']
    return $this->cart->contents();

And yes one thing that is wrong in my code is the foreach in my model. I really have no idea on how to fix it. Because when I try to click .addlabtype for example I have 3 items in my cart and when I try to update it, it will not update unless it is the last item that I added in my cart. Sorry for my English. Thanks in advance!

Edit: To sum it up, how can I get the rowid of a specific id in the cart?


1 回答 1



    $q = $this->db->get();
    $lab = $q->result_array();
    $cart = $this->cart->contents();
    $found = false;
     foreach($cart as $items){

        if($this->input->post('id') == $items['id']  ){
                'rowid' => $items['rowid'],
                'qty' => $items['qty'] + 1
                $found = true;
        if($found == false){
                $data = array(
                    'id' => $lab[0]['lid'],
                    'name' => $lab[0]['ldesc'],
                    'qty' => 1,
                    'price' => $lab[0]['lprice']

    return $this->cart->contents();
于 2013-11-06T03:40:32.167 回答