我想动态分配一个 C 结构:
typedef struct {
short *offset;
char *values;
} swc;
'offset' 和 'values' 都应该是数组,但它们的大小直到运行时才知道。
我想动态分配一个 C 结构:
typedef struct {
short *offset;
char *values;
} swc;
'offset' 和 'values' 都应该是数组,但它们的大小直到运行时才知道。
swc *a = (swc*)malloc(sizeof(swc));
a->offset = (short*)malloc(sizeof(short)*n);
a->values = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*n);
其中 n = 每个数组中的项目数,a 是新分配的数据结构的地址。不要忘记在 free()'ing a 之前释放() 偏移量和值。
在 C 中:
swc *s = malloc(sizeof *s); // assuming you're creating a single instance of swc
if (s)
s->offset = malloc(sizeof *(s->offset) * number_of_offset_elements);
s->values = malloc(sizeof *(s->values) * number_of_value_elements);
在 C++ 中:
swc *s = new swc;
s->offset = new short[number_of_offset_elements];
s->values = new char[number_of_value_elements];
请注意,在 C++ 中,使用向量而不是动态分配的缓冲区可能会更好:
struct swc
std::vector<short> offset;
std::vector<char> values;
swc *a = new swc;
我想得越多,我对 C++ 的答案就越不满意;在 C++ 中做这种事情的正确方法(假设你需要动态分配的缓冲区而不是向量,你可能不需要)是在结构类型中作为构造函数的一部分执行偏移量和值的内存分配,并在结构实例被销毁(通过 adelete
struct swc
swc(size_t numOffset = SOME_DEFAULT_VALUE,
size_t numValues = SOME_OTHER_DEFAULT_VALUE)
m_offset = new short[numOffset];
m_values = new char[numValues];
delete[] m_offset;
delete[] m_values;
short *m_offset;
char *m_values;
void foo(void)
swc *a = new swc(10,20); // m_offset and m_values allocated as
// part of the constructor
swc b; // uses default sizes for m_offset and m_values
a->m_offset[0] = 1;
a->m_values[0] = 'a';
b.m_offset[0] = 2;
b.m_values[0] = 'b';
delete a; // handles freeing m_offset and m_values
// b's members are deallocated when it goes out of scope
在 C 中:
typedef struct
short *offset;
char *values;
} swc;
/// Pre-Condition: None
/// Post-Condition: On failure will return NULL.
/// On Success a valid pointer is returned where
/// offset[0-n) and values[0-n) are legally de-refrancable.
/// Ownership of this memory is returned to the caller who
/// is responsible for destroying it via destroy_swc()
swc *create_swc(unsigned int size)
swc *data = (swc*) malloc(sizeof(swc));
if (data)
data->offset = (short*)malloc(sizeof(short)*n);
data->values = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) *n);
if ((data != NULL) && (size != 0) && ((data->offset == NULL) || (data->values == NULL)))
// Partially created object is dangerous and of no use.
data = NULL;
return data;
void destroy_swc(swc* data)
在 C++ 中
struct swc
std::vector<short> offset;
std::vector<char> values;
swc(unsigned int size)
在 C 中:
swc *pSwc = malloc(sizeof(swc));
pSwc->offset = malloc(sizeof(short)*offsetArrayLength);
pSwc->values = malloc(valuesArrayLength);
在 C++ 中,你不应该做这样的事情。
您将需要一个函数来执行此操作。类似的东西(我的 C/C++ 生锈了)
swc* makeStruct(int offsetCount, int valuesCount) {
swc *ans = new swc();
ans->offset = new short[offsetCount];
ans->values = new char[valuesCount];
return ans;
myNewStruct = makeStruct(4, 20);
语法可能有点偏离,但这通常是您需要的。如果您使用的是 C++,那么您可能想要一个带有构造函数的类,该构造函数采用 2 个参数而不是 makeStruct 但做一些非常相似的事情。
在这里添加许多正确答案的一件事:您可以 malloc
struct foo {
short* offset;
char values[0]
struct *foo foo1 = malloc(sizeof(struct foo)+30); // takes advantage of sizeof(char)==1
为数组中的 30 个对象腾出空间。你仍然需要做
foo1->offsets = malloc(30*sizeof(short));
[这里的代码c。您需要在 c++中转换malloc
's (或更好地使用和 RAII 习语)]new
swc* a = malloc(sizeof(*a));
a->offset = calloc(n, sizeof(*(a->offset)));
a->values = calloc(n, sizeof(*(a->values)));
你不应该在 c 中强制转换 void* ...在 c++ 中你必须!
由于还没有人提到它,有时在一次分配中获取这块内存是很好的,所以你只需要在一件事情上调用 free() :
swc* AllocSWC(int items)
int size = sizeof(swc); // for the struct itself
size += (items * sizeof(short)); // for the array of shorts
size += (items * sizeof(char)); // for the array of chars
swc* p = (swc*)malloc(size);
memset(p, 0, size);
p->offset = (short*)((char*)swc + sizeof(swc)); // array of shorts begins immediately after the struct
p->values = (char*)((char*)swc + sizeof(swc) + items * sizeof(short)); // array of chars begins immediately after the array of shorts
return p;
使用 malloc 函数或 calloc 动态分配内存。并在谷歌上搜索以获取示例。
The calloc function initializes allocated memory to zero.
Most of the answers are correct. I would like to add something that you haven't explicitly asked but might also be important.
C / C++ arrays don't store their own size in memory. Thus, unless you want offset
and values
to have compile-time defined values (and, in that case, it's better to use fixed-size arrays), you might want to store the sizes of both arrays in the struct
typedef struct tagswc {
short *offset;
char *values;
// EDIT: Changed int to size_t, thanks Chris Lutz!
size_t offset_count;
size_t values_count; // You don't need this one if values is a C string.
} swc;
DISCLAIMER: I might be wrong. For example, if all offset
s of all swc
instances have the same size, it would be better to store offset_count
as a global member, not as a member of the struct
. The same can be said about values
and values_count
. Also, if values
is a C string, you don't need to store its size, but beware of Schlemiel the painter-like problems.
您想使用malloc来分配内存,并且可能还想使用 sizeof() 来分配正确的空间量。
structVariable = (*swc) malloc(sizeof(swc));
typedef struct {
short *offset;
char *values;
} swc;
swc* createStructure(int Count1, int Count2) {
swc *s1 = new swc();
s1->offset = new short[Count1];
s1->values = new char[Count2];
return s1;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
swc *mystruct;
mystruct = createStructure(11, 11);
delete[] mystruct->offset;
delete[] mystruct->values;
delete mystruct;
return 0;
swc *new_swc (int m, int n) {
swc *p;
p = malloc (sizeof (*p) + m * sizeof (p->offset[0]) + n * sizeof (p->values[0]);
p->offset = (short *) &p[1];
p->values = (char *) &p->offset[m];
return p;