- 将数组传递给函数,而不是传递副本
- 使数组超出范围
- 将指针传递给堆栈上的数组
- 返回数组的值而不是数组本身(即使用复制构造函数)
第一个原因是错误的:数组永远不会通过副本传递。当您调用函数时,数组名称总是衰减为指向其第一个元素的指针,正是为了避免复制整个数组。如果要通过副本传递数组,则必须将其嵌入到 a 中struct
并改为传递 a struct
如果您事先不知道数组的大小,动态数组分配也很有用(尽管在 C99 引入可变长度数组之后这不是真的 - 但仍然,可变长度数组分配在堆栈上,所以你会有相同的问题)。
An array in C is represented as a pointer that references the location of the array data (it points to the first item in the array). In the case of stack-based arrays, the array pointer and data are in the same location. In the case of heap-allocated arrays, the array pointer is on the stack and points to the location on the heap where the array data begins.
For point (2), you cannot return the value of the array. What is returned instead is the location of the array in memory or on the stack. Thus, allocating it on the heap ensures that the data is preserved when returning the array from a function.
A std::vector
on the other hand works functionally like an array. With this, the array data is allocated on the heap, but the object that manages the array is on the stack. Thus, the lifetime of the array is controlled by the lifetime of the vector object.
The std::vector
has the behaviour you describe:
passing a vector by value to a function causes the data to be copied when passing it to the function;
the vector data only lives for the lifetime of the function.
Passing the vector from a function can cause the array data to be copied. However, this can be optimised using things like return value optimisation and R-value references, which avoid the copy.
#include <string.h>
int main() {
volatile char buf[1024 * 1024 * 64];
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int * f(int* array) {
assert(array[0] == 1); // OK
int static_array[] = {1, 2, 3};
//return static_array = {1, 2, 3}; //BAD: only lives in this function
int * dynamic_array = malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);
dynamic_array[0] = 1;
dynamic_array[1] = 2;
return dynamic_array; // OK: lives outside also
int main()
int static_array[] = {1, 2, 3};
int * returned_array;
returned_array = f(static_array);
assert(returned_array[0] == 1);