CalculateSampleMomentAroundZero <- function(x) {
# Computes the sample moments (up to fourth order) around zero
# Args:
# x: A vector of numbers whose sample moments around zero
# will be calculated
# Returns:
# A list that contains the sample moments (up to fourth order)
# of the numbers in vector x.
n <- length(x) <- lapply(1:4, function(i) (1/n) * sum(x^i))
names( <- c("first", "second", "third", "fourth")
CalculateSampleMomentAroundMean <- function(x) {
# Computes the sample moment (up to fourth order) around the mean
# Args:
# x: A vector of numbers whose sample moments around the mean
# will be computed
# Returns:
# A list that contains the sample moments (up to fourth order)
# of the numbers in vector x.
# Uses the function to calculate sample moments around zero to
# obtain the mean (sample moment around zero of first order) of
# the numbers in vector x.
# <- CalculateSampleMomentAroundZero(x)
xbar <-$first
n <- length(x)
moment.mean <- lapply(1:4, function(i) (1/n) * sum((x - xbar)^i))
names(moment.mean) <- c("first", "second", "third", "fourth")
skewnesskurtosis <- function(x) {
# Computes the skewness and kurtosis of a vector of numbers
# Args:
# x: A vector of numbers whose skewness and kurtosis will be
# computed.
# Returns:
# A list that contains the skewness and kurtosis of the numbers
# in vector x.
# Uses the function to compute sample moments around the mean to
# obtain the second, third, and fourth orders of the sample
# moments around the mean.
moments.around.mean <- CalculateSampleMomentAroundMean(x)
mu2 <- moments.around.mean$second
mu3 <- moments.around.mean$third
mu4 <- moments.around.mean$fourth
skew <- mu3 / (mu2)^(3/2)
kurt <- (mu4 / (mu2)^(2)) - 3
sk <- list(skewness = skew, kurtosis = kurt)
x <- rnorm(5)
[1] -2.220446e-17
[1] 0.2923308
[1] -0.02291481
[1] 0.1172637
> moment(x, order = 1, central = TRUE)
[1] -8.326673e-18
> moment(x, order = 2, central = TRUE)
[1] 0.2923308
> moment(x, order = 3, central = TRUE)
[1] -0.02291481
> moment(x, order = 4, central = TRUE)
[1] 0.1172637