CREATE TABLE mytable (
oid integer(10),
department integer(10),
cid integer(10),
status integer(1) comment 'statuses: 1-open, 2-accept, 3-done',
recordtime datetime
此表存储有关状态分配的一些数据。oid - 组织,cid - 卡 ID。当此表中的组织更新卡(设置新状态)插入行时,组织属于部门
我尝试从该表中选择统计数据,例如:按部门或组织 (oid) 选择最大/最小接受时间、最大/最小完成时间和平均接受/完成时间。
感谢Roman Pekar,他的回答使我走上了正确的道路。我使用他的第二个查询来编写我的最终查询。
with cte as (
oid, cid,
max(case when status=1 then recorddatetime end) as open,
max(case when status=2 then recorddatetime end) as accept,
max(case when status=3 then recorddatetime end) as done
group by oid, cid
max(case when status=1 then recorddatetime end) is not null and max(case when status=2 then recorddatetime end) is not null
and max(case when status=3 then recorddatetime end) is not null
order by oid, cid
select distinct on(department)
department, oid, cid,
ceil(extract(epoch from avg(cte.accept - cte.open) over (partition by department))) as avg_accept_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from avg(done - open) over (partition by department))) as avg_done_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from max(accept - open) over (partition by department))) as max_accept_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from max(done - open) over (partition by department))) as max_done_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from min(accept - open) over (partition by department))) as min_accept_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from min(done - open) over (partition by department))) as min_done_time
from cte cte
order by department, max_accept_time desc
第二:与第一个类似,但为组织选择所有这些值 ( oid
with cte as (
oid, cid,
max(case when status=1 then recorddatetime end) as open,
max(case when status=2 then recorddatetime end) as accept,
max(case when status=3 then recorddatetime end) as done
group by oid, cid
max(case when status=1 then recorddatetime end) is not null and max(case when status=2 then recorddatetime end) is not null
and max(case when status=3 then recorddatetime end) is not null
order by oid, cid
select distinct on(department, oid)
department, oid, cid,
ceil(extract(epoch from avg(cte.accept - cte.open) over (partition by department, oid))) as avg_accept_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from avg(done - open) over (partition by department, oid))) as avg_done_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from max(accept - open) over (partition by department, oid))) as max_accept_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from max(done - open) over (partition by department, oid))) as max_done_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from min(accept - open) over (partition by department, oid))) as min_accept_time,
ceil(extract(epoch from min(done - open) over (partition by department, oid))) as min_done_time
from cte cte
order by department, oid, max_accept_time desc