我正在开发一个 Winforms 应用程序,可以使用一些建议。
随着时间的推移,我有数百个 50x50 的精灵在 2000x2000 的运动场上四处移动。最初,我用程序生成的图片框创建了它,这些图片框被添加到表单中并四处移动。它完成了工作,但它闪烁且缓慢。




private void animateAmoebas()
    for (int animationStep = 0; animationStep < 100; animationStep = animationStep + animationStepSize)

        Image buffer = new Bitmap(2000, 2000);              
        buffer = imageBKG; //Redraw the grid pattern.                   
        foreach (Amoeba _Amoeba in amoebaPool)//Ameboa is a class object that has AI in it to detirmine the actions of the Amoeba.
                //PBL (PictureBoxLoader) is an object that contains the sprite image, plus the cordinates for that sprite in that frame.
                pbl = _Amoeba.animateSprite(animationStep,pbl);
                drawSprite(pbl, buffer);//Draw the sprite to the buffer
            refreshScreen(buffer);//Copy the buffer to the picturebox

private void drawSprite(PictureBoxLoader pbLoader, Image _buffer) 
    using (Graphics formGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(_buffer))
        Point imgPoint = new Point(pbLoader.imgX, pbLoader.imgY);
        formGraphics.DrawImageUnscaled(pbLoader.imgImage, imgPoint);

private void refreshScreen(Image _image)
        pictureBox_BKG.Image = _image;




2 回答 2


您根本不应该使用 PictureBox。只需派生Control并覆盖OnPaint. 您可以绘制到您的缓冲区内的图像OnPaint,然后将图像绘制到控件。

public class SpriteCanvas : Control
    private const int AnimationSteps = 100;
    private const int AnimationStepSize = 4;

    private System.Windows.Forms.Timer _timer;
    private Bitmap _buffer;
    private int _animationStep = 0;

    public SpriteCanvas()
        _buffer = new Bitmap(2000, 2000, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb);
        _timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
        _timer.Interval = 10;

        _timer.Tick += (s, e) =>
            _animationStep += AnimationStepSize;

            if (_animationStep > AnimationSteps)
                _animationStep = 0;



    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
        using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(_buffer))
            // draw sprites based on current _animationStep value
            // g.DrawImage(...)

        e.Graphics.DrawImage(_buffer, new Rectangle(0, 0, _buffer.Width, _buffer.Height), new Rectangle(0, 0, _buffer.Width, _buffer.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

您的代码中还有很多其他问题。首先,我假设您在 UI 线程上绘制所有内容。这是一个禁忌。Invalidate当您希望重绘控件时,您应该调用它。您应该在计时器上执行此操作。

您还将在循环的每次迭代中创建一个新的 Image 缓冲区,并且您会立即将其丢弃,甚至不丢弃它:

Image buffer = new Bitmap(2000, 2000);              
buffer = imageBKG; //Redraw the grid pattern. 

该类Bitmap实现IDisposable了,您应该始终将其包装在一个using块中,或者Dispose在您不再需要它时调用它。在您的情况下,您可能只想创建 1 个位图作为您的缓冲区,并且您应该在处置时处置它Control



于 2013-11-05T18:32:04.447 回答

You are initializing a new Bitmap(2000, 2000) each step of the animation and never reusing them, which will wreck havoc on the garbage collector. Instead, save an instance of your buffer as a member variable and save a blank sprite of the same size. At the beginning of each draw loop, draw the blank sprite onto the buffer, then draw the amoeba sprites.

This can still cause flickering due to inconsistencies between the screen refresh rate and your draw rate. To fix that, use double buffering. Here's some pseudo-C# for a simple double buffered draw method.

private Image backBuffer = new Bitmap(2000, 2000);
private Image frontBuffer = new Bitmap(2000, 2000);
private Image clearSprite = new Bitmap(2000, 2000);

// Draws 1 frame
private void Draw()
  // Clear the back buffer

  // Draw sprites
  foreach (var sprite in sprites)

  // Swap buffers

You're also running the entire animation without yielding control to another method, so I would also recommend moving to an asynchronous model where you have a drawing manager that is responsible for managing the buffers and is told to run it's draw function on a set interval. Each amoeba should be in control of which frame it's animation is on and it should be able to draw itself to a buffer when passed one by the draw manager.

于 2013-11-05T18:29:18.970 回答