
struct node {
    int data ;
    struct node *prev;
    struct node *next;

struct node* head = NULL;


void insert(int key) {
    struct node *pred=head, *succ;
    struct node *temp2, *temp;
    if (head==NULL) {
        head = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        head->data = key;
        head->prev = NULL;
        head->next = NULL;
    } else {
        temp2 = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        temp2->data =  key;
        temp = head;
        while(temp->next!=NULL && temp->next->data < key) {
            pred= temp->next;
            temp = temp->next;
        printf("******pred : %d \n",pred->data);
        //printf("******temp-next %d \n",temp->next->data);
        if (temp->data < key) {
            temp->next = temp->next->next;
            temp->next = temp2;
            temp2->prev = temp;
            temp2->next = pred->next->next;
        } else {     
            //temp2->next= temp;
            //temp->prev = NULL; 
            temp2->next = head;
            //head->prev = temp2;
            head = temp2;
            printf("**** temp : %d",temp->data);
            printf("**** temp2 : %d",temp2->data);
            //temp = temp2 ->prev;
            //temp->prev = NULL;        

4 回答 4


I would suggest you to fix names of variables temp1,2. It complicates a lot understanding of the code.
In the while() loop there is pred and temp variables which have the same value. Then why not just remove one of them?
Right after the while() loop there is a check for value - but while() loop has already checked item temp for this condition while looping through the items. So this check is wrong.
Now you already know that item "temp" is less than key, but next item, if it is not NULL is greater. So you have to check if it is NULL or not.
If it is NULL then you have to add new item to the end of the list.
If it is not NULL then you have to add item right after current item "temp" and before "temp->next" because "temp->next" is already greater than current item "temp" and new item.

Below a code for using in case of if statement then header is not NULL (with some variables renamed for clearness):

    assert(head != NULL); // head not NULL already
    newItem = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    newItem->data =  key;
    currItem = head;

    while(currItem->next!=NULL && currItem->next->data < key){
        currItem = currItem->next;}

    if(currItem->next == NULL){ // append new item to the end of list
        currItem->next = newItem;
    else{ // insert somewhere in the middle (next item key is greater than current key)
        newItem->next = curr->next;
        currItem->next = newItem;
于 2013-11-05T14:31:07.827 回答

The insert in the middle code (last if-statement in the posted code example) should work better like this:

    if (temp->data < key) {
        // Insert in the middle
        temp->next = temp2;
        temp2->prev = temp;
        temp2->next = pred->next->next;
        temp2->next->prev = temp2;       // Added
    } else {     
        // Insert last                   // Changed entire block
        temp2->prev= temp;     
        temp->next = temp2; 
        temp2->next = null;
于 2013-11-05T14:31:16.287 回答

对于维护 a 的双向链表tail将是对称的。没有那个,我会这样做。


struct node* prev = NULL;
struct node* ptr;
for (ptr = head; ptr != NULL && key < ptr->data; ptr = ptr->next) {
    prev = ptr;

struct node* baby = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
baby->data = key;
baby->prev = prev;
baby->next = ptr;
if (prev != null) {
    prev->next = baby; // Link in from previous
if (ptr != null) {
    ptr->prev = baby; // Link in from next
if (head == NULL) {
    head = baby;
于 2013-11-05T14:34:15.893 回答


temp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct node)); // 0's node

if ( head == NULL ) // empty
  temp = head; // done
else if ( head->data < key ) // first element already larger
  temp->next = head;
  head->prev = temp;
  head = temp;
else // find larger key
  struct node *pred = NULL; // technically head->prev
  struct node *succ = head;      

  while( succ != NULL && succ->data < key )
    pred = succ;  // previous
    succ = succ->next;

  // went to end of list, so append to end
  if ( succ == NULL )
    temp->prev = pred;
    pred->next = temp;
  else // found one larger
    temp->next = succ;
    temp->prev = succ->prev;
于 2013-11-06T10:17:34.623 回答