I am embedding a Youtube playlist and it works fine on normal desktop browsers, but on iPad it is not working. From the various questions here and some other info I read that Youtube is capable of detecting the client and serve an HTML5 version of the video instead. However, it seems that it works only for a single video URL. When I am using a playlist URL instead it does not work. I am using the <frame> embedding approach.

Is there any way to go around this? I can't seem to find any settings on the Youtube playlist to make it 'html5 friendly'.


2 回答 2



他们似乎最终解决了这个问题,请在此处查看最新更新: https ://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/youtube/_crm-T7BFvM/_V2xDBrV0HcJ

于 2013-12-14T13:46:07.063 回答

iOS 上的 YT iFrame 播放器几乎没有错误。希望它们都能很快得到解决。您可以在问题跟踪器中跟踪它们。这是主要的。


于 2013-11-05T12:30:45.280 回答