i want to implement SSO in an application for that i have a SiteMinder policy server at the application which provide the login (say application 1) and also have installed the Siteminder webagent on the server of other application which am going to login through SSO (say application 2). This siteminder thing is already done by some other team. Now i want to get the siteminder session and from that session i want the HTTP_SM_USER this is all with the help of WebAgent. After getting the user i want to validate the user against the DB of 2nd application. Can anyone guide me how can i proceed with this work ?


1 回答 1


SM 代理通常会在传入请求中添加带有用户 ID 的 HTTP 标头。您可以在代码中检查此标头以确定用户。请注意,此标头不是来自浏览器,SM 代理在将请求传递给您的应用程序之前将其插入。

于 2013-11-05T14:26:33.350 回答