I have a sharepoint list which i have linked to in MS Access. The information in this table needs to be compared to information in our datawarehouse based on keys both sets of data have. I want to be able to create a query which will upload the ishare data into our datawarehouse under my login run the comparison and then export the details to Excel somewhere. MS Access seems to be the way to go here.

I have managed to link the ishare list (with difficulties due to the attachment fields)and then create a local table based on this. I have managed to create the temp table in my Volatile space. How do i append the newly created table that i created from the list into my temporary space.

I am using Access 2010 and sharepoint 2007

Thank you for your time


1 回答 1


如果您可以避免使用 Access,我会推荐它,因为它是您尝试做的额外步骤。您可以在 Teradata 会话中轻松操作或网格化数据并导出结果。您可以使用标准 Teradata SQL 助手运行以下类型的查询:

创建易失性表 NewTable (

第 1 列 DEC(18,0),

第 2 列 DEC(18,0)


主要索引(第 1 列)


将您的助手更改为导入模式(文件-> 导入数据)

插入新表 (?,?)




您也可以使用 File->Export Data 导出结果。

如果这是您计划经常运行的东西,那么有很多方法可以轻松地进行这些类型的导入和导出。Python 模块 Pandas 具有简单的功能,可以将查询直接读取到 DataFrame 对象中,并通过 pandas.io.sql.read_frame() 和 .to_excel 函数将这些对象放入 Excel。

于 2013-11-06T21:36:25.467 回答