当我找到一个可以公开 Web 服务 API 以远程执行 drools 规则的服务时。

我首先找到了drools-camel-server,有时我看到有一个名为drools-server的模块,为了找到drools-camel-server和drools-server之间的关系,我google了很多。但我发现另一个模块叫做drools-pipeline http://kijanowski.eu/index.php?site=articles&article=drools_pipeline&lang=en

阅读后,我发现这个概念类似于drools-camel-server,我在这里阅读了drools-camel-server http://www.packtpub.com/article/drools-integration-modules-spring-framework-apache-骆驼

I can distinguish drools-server and drools-camel-server, drools-server should be able to provide the remote execution function already, but camel added the enterprise integration pattern, so now we mostly use the drools-camel-server.

but what about drools-pipeline? is it the rudiment of drools-server? but I see the pipeline concept should be the camel's.

Anyone can explain them a little would be much appreciated!


1 回答 1


drools-pipeline 已弃用,在 drools-camel 工作之前。

对于 drools 6,drools-camel 已经改进了很多 IIRC。

于 2013-11-05T13:36:00.700 回答