I have a linked list and I am attempting to insert a new node, which seems to be successful at inserting the node where I want it to go, but the variables keep coming out as NULL. Could someone point to where I am causing this to happen?

Here is the print and insert method.

void printList(node *head)
    node *p;
    p = head;
    if(p->next == NULL)
            printf("No stops currently in the tour.");
            while(p->next != NULL)
                    printf("Tour Stop: %s - Description: %s\n", p->name, p->name);
                    p = p->next;

void insertInOrder(node *head, node *newNode)
    printf("What is the stop you want the new stop to come after? Type 'end' to insert at the end of the tour.");
    char key[100];
    scanf("%s", &key);

    node *p;
    p = head->next;
    if(head->next == NULL)
            head->next = newNode;

    else if(key == "end")
            while(p->next != NULL)
                    p = p->next;

            p->next = newNode;
    printf("\nAT 57, newNode->info = %s and newNode->name = %s", newNode->info, newNode->name);

            while(strcmp(p->name, key) != 0)
                    if(p->next == NULL)
                            printf("Couldn't find the tour stop you requested, inserting at end of tour.");

                    p = p->next;

            p->next = newNode;

And here is the createNewNode method I am using to pass into the insert method

node* createNewNode()
    node *newNode;
    newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    printf("Enter the name of the new tour stop.\n");
    char newName[100];
    fgets(newName, sizeof(newName), stdin);
    newNode->name = newName;

    printf("Enter information about the tour stop. Max number of characters you can enter is 1000.\n");
    char newDescription[1000];
    newNode->info = newDescription;
    fgets(newDescription, sizeof(newDescription), stdin);
    return newNode;

3 回答 3



char newName[100];
fgets(newName, sizeof(newName), stdin);
newNode->name = newName;



于 2013-11-05T08:31:05.860 回答


printf("What is the stop you want the new stop to come after? Type 'end' to insert at the end of the tour.");
char key[100];
scanf("%s", &key);

如果您绝对需要使用 scanf(建议不要)读取字符串,您应该在 '%s' 格式说明符之前添加要读取的最大字符数,例如 scanf("%99s", &key)。您应该读取 99 个字符而不是 100 个字符,以便空终止不会溢出您的数组。

else if(key == "end")

这里不是将 key 的内容与 const char* "end" 进行比较,您只需将数组key的地址与 const char* "end" 的地址进行比较,您应该使用 strcmp代替。(甚至更好的 strncmp

node* createNewNode()
    node *newNode;
    newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    printf("Enter the name of the new tour stop.\n");
    char newName[100];
    fgets(newName, sizeof(newName), stdin);
    newNode->name = newName;

    printf("Enter information about the tour stop. Max number of characters you can enter is 1000.\n");
    char newDescription[1000];
    newNode->info = newDescription;
    fgets(newDescription, sizeof(newDescription), stdin);
    return newNode;



int newDescriptionLength = strlen(newDescription) + 1; //plus 1 for null termination
char* newDescriptionCopy = malloc(newDescriptionLength);
strncpy(newDescriptionCopy, newDescription, newDescriptionLength);
newNode->info = newDescriptionCopy;

strncpy将确保您的 newDescriptionCopy 字符串在源字符串 newDescription 的所有字符都被复制后以空字符结尾。


此外,您也应该使用 fgets 少读一个字符,因为提供允许的确切字符数不会终止您的字符串。


于 2013-11-05T08:58:23.613 回答

从我对您的代码的了解(您没有打印调用函数或链表的初始化,如果有的话),看起来您从未检查过第一个元素(即头)。因此,当列表完全为空时,head 将指向 NULL。因此,以您的打印功能为例,您应该拥有:

void printList(node *head)
    node *p;
    p = head;

    // Check if the list contains anything
    if (p == NULL)
        printf("List is empty");
        printf("Tour Stop: %s - Description: %s\n", p->name, p->name); // print first/head element

        // Continue while there are more elements
        while(p->next != NULL)
            printf("Tour Stop: %s - Description: %s\n", p->name, p->name);
            p = p->next;


注意:Unwind 在他的回答中也有一个非常有效的观点

于 2013-11-05T08:43:08.307 回答