在 pandas 中工作时,我遇到了一些非常奇怪的缺失值行为,这让我大吃一惊。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import nan as NA
from pandas import DataFame
In [1]: L1 = [NA, NA]
In [2]: L1
Out[2]: [nan, nan]
In [3]: set(L1)
Out[3]: {nan}
到目前为止一切顺利,正如预期的那样,列表 L1 的集合包含单个 NA 值。但是现在我完全困惑于当你做同样的事情但基于从数据框系列中提取的列表时会发生什么
In [4]: EG = DataFrame(np.random.rand(10), columns = ['Data'])
In [5]: EG['Data'][5:7] = NA
In [6]: L2 = list(EG['Data'][5:7])
In [7]: L2
Out[8]: [nan, nan]
In [9]: set(L2)
Out[9]: {nan, nan}
我做了一些挖掘,认为类型可能不同(这似乎令人惊讶,因为 NA 值是以我看来完全相同的方式创建的)。请参阅以下内容:
In [10]: type(L1[0])
Out[10]: float
In [11]: type(L1[1])
Out[11]: float
In [12]: type(L2[0])
Out[12]: numpy.float64
In [13]: type(L2[1])
Out[13]: numpy.float64
很明显类型是不同的,这已经让我大吃一惊了,但是如果我将 L2 的每个元素都转换为浮点数,就像在 L1 中一样,奇怪的集合行为应该消失:
In [14]: L3 = [float(elem) for elem in L2]
In [15]: L3
Out[15]: [nan, nan]
In [16]: type(L3[0])
Out[16]: float
In [17]: type(L3[1])
Out[17]: float
In [18]: set(L3)
Out[18]: {nan, nan}
即使 L3 中的元素类型与 L1 中的元素类型完全相同,问题仍然存在。
使用 groupby 聚合数据时,我依赖于 set(L) 的常规功能。我注意到了这个问题,它让我发疯。我有兴趣了解解决方法,但我更想知道这里到底发生了什么......
def NoActionRequired(x):
""" This function is used to aggregate the data that is believed to be equal within multi line/day groups. It puts the data
into a list and then if that list forms a set of length 1 (which it must if the data are in fact equal) then the single
value contained in the set is returned, otherwise the list is returned. This allows for the fact that we may be wrong about
the equality of the data, and it is something that can be tested after aggreagation."""
L = list(x)
S = set(L)
if len(S) == 1:
return S.pop()
return L