JDBC中是否有任何方法可以将结果集内容直接放入 List 中。我需要一些通用的东西,如下所示。

不用说只需要 SELECT 查询(因为我的应用程序是为了报告目的)

List<Customer> blockedCustomerList = executeQuery(sql, Customer.class);

我写了这样的东西,它工作正常,但我无法获得 BLOB 和 CLOB 值。欢迎任何建议。

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class ResultSetConverter {

     * Generates DB column and java Domain class property mapping
     * @param pInputClassName
     *                       java Domain class, fully qualified name(package+java class)
     * @return
     *                       Map<String,ColumnMappingDTO>, mapping of DB column and Java Doamin class property
     * @throws Exception
     *                       if pInputClassName is not loaded properly
    private static Map<String,ColumnMappingDTO> initColumnMappings(String pInputClassName) throws Exception{

        Class mClassObj=null;
        Field[] mFieldsArr=null;
        Annotation[] mAnnotations =null;
        ColumnMappingDTO vColumnMappingDTO=null;
        javax.persistence.Column myAnnotation=null;

        Map<String,ColumnMappingDTO> outMappingDetails =new HashMap<String, ColumnMappingDTO>();

            //try loading Domain Object Class

            //get fields in class

            for(Field vField:mFieldsArr){

                for(Annotation vAnnotation:mAnnotations){
                    if(vAnnotation instanceof javax.persistence.Column){

                        vColumnMappingDTO = new ColumnMappingDTO();         
                        myAnnotation= (javax.persistence.Column) vAnnotation;


                        outMappingDetails.put(vColumnMappingDTO.getColumnName(), vColumnMappingDTO);                    
        }catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
            System.out.println("caught Exception in initColumnMappings() as  "+e);
            throw e;
        }catch(Exception ex){
            System.out.println("caught Exception in initColumnMappings() as  "+ex);
            throw ex;

        return outMappingDetails;

     * Executes sql passed inform of PreparedStatement inPstmt and generated List genere as String pDomainClassName
     * @param inPstmt
     *               Sql to be executed inform of PreparedStatement
     * @param pDomainClassName
     *               fully qualified Class name of DTO
     * @return
     *               Object, later to be type casted to List<pDomainClassName>
     * @throws Exception
     *               When Mapping is not missing or done wrong 
    public static Object executeQuery(PreparedStatement inPstmt,String pDomainClassName)throws SQLException,Exception{

        ResultSet mRSet=null;
        ResultSetMetaData mRsetMt=null;
        ColumnValueDTO mColumnValueDTO =null;

        List<String> mColumnNamesList =new ArrayList<String>(); 
        List<ColumnValueDTO> mColumnValuesList=null;
        List<Object> outResultList =new ArrayList<Object>();
        Map<String,ColumnMappingDTO> mMappingDetailsMap =null;

        String[] mArrColumnValues=null;
        String mColumnName=null;
        int mColumnCount=-1;


            //generate DB Column and Domain Class property mapping   

            //execute sql


                //get ResultSetMetaData

                    mColumnCount =mRsetMt.getColumnCount();                 
                    mArrColumnValues= new String[mColumnCount];                 

                    //generate SELECT columns list
                    for(int i=0;i<mColumnCount;i++){

                    mColumnValuesList =new ArrayList<ColumnValueDTO>();
                    for(String columnHeader:mColumnNamesList){
                        mColumnValueDTO= new ColumnValueDTO();                      


                    Object domainObj=createDomainObject(mColumnValuesList,pDomainClassName);                    

                    //Add Object to out List
        }catch(Exception ex){
            System.out.println(" caught in executeQuery() "+ex);
            throw ex;

            //release resources
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                 System.out.println(" caught in Exception while closing ResultSet "+e);
                 throw e;

        return outResultList;

    private static Object createDomainObject(List<ColumnValueDTO> columnValuesList,String vDoaminClass) throws Exception{

        Class domainClassObj=null;
        Object domainObj=null;

        Field domainDataField =null;
        Annotation[] annotations=null;  

            domainClassObj= Class.forName(vDoaminClass);

            for(ColumnValueDTO columnDTO:columnValuesList){
                    domainDataField = domainClassObj.getDeclaredField(columnDTO.getPropertyName());
                    annotations = domainDataField.getDeclaredAnnotations();

                    for(Annotation annotation : annotations){
                        if(annotation instanceof javax.persistence.Column){
                            javax.persistence.Column myAnnotation = (javax.persistence.Column) annotation;


        }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
            System.out.println(" Caught ClassNotFoundException in createDomainObject() "+cnfe);
            throw cnfe;
        }catch(IllegalAccessException iae){
            System.out.println(" Caught IllegalAccessException in createDomainObject() "+iae);
            throw iae;
        }catch(InstantiationException ie){
            System.out.println(" Caught InstantiationException in createDomainObject() "+ie);
            throw ie;
        }catch(SecurityException se){
            System.out.println(" Caught SecurityException in createDomainObject() "+se);
            throw se;
        }catch(NoSuchFieldException nfe){
            System.out.println(" Caught NoSuchFieldException  in createDomainObject() "+nfe);
            throw nfe;
        }catch(Exception e){
            System.out.println(" Caught Exception in createDomainObject() "+e);
            throw e;

        return domainObj;

    private static Object getValueByType(String value, String type,Type domainFieldType) throws Exception{

        Object retvalue=null;

                    retvalue=new Integer(value);
                }else if(domainFieldType.equals(Double.TYPE)){  
                    retvalue=new Double(value);
                }else if(domainFieldType.equals(Float.TYPE)){   
                    retvalue=new Float(value);
                }else if(domainFieldType.equals(Character.TYPE)){   
                    retvalue=new Character(value.charAt(0));
                }else if(domainFieldType.equals(Short.TYPE)){   
                    retvalue=new Short(value);
                }else if(domainFieldType.equals(Long.TYPE)){    
                    retvalue=new Long(value);
                }else if(type.equals(java.sql.Timestamp.class)){
                }else if(domainFieldType.equals(java.sql.Date.class)){
                    retvalue= java.sql.Date.valueOf(value); 
                }else if(domainFieldType.equals(String.class)){
                    retvalue=new String(value);
        }catch(Exception ex){
            System.out.println(" Caught Exception in getValueByType() "+ex);
            throw ex;
        return retvalue;


映射 DTO 类:

public class ColumnMappingDTO {

private String columnName;
private String propertyName;
private String dataType;

 * @return the columnName
public String getColumnName() {
    return columnName;
 * @param columnName the columnName to set
public void setColumnName(String columnName) {
    this.columnName = columnName;
 * @return the dataType
public String getDataType() {
    return dataType;
 * @param dataType the dataType to set
public void setDataType(String dataType) {
    this.dataType = dataType;
 * @return the propertyName
public String getPropertyName() {
    return propertyName;
 * @param propertyName the propertyName to set
public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) {
    this.propertyName = propertyName;

public String toString(){

    return "Database Column :: "+this.columnName+"  Java Property :: "+this.propertyName+"   Java Datatype :: "+this.dataType;



import java.io.Serializable;

public class ColumnValueDTO implements Serializable {

    private String propertyName;
    private String propertyValue;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4915109169715618102L;

     * @return the propertyName
    public String getPropertyName() {
       return propertyName;
     * @param propertyName the propertyName to set
    public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) {
         this.propertyName = propertyName;
     * @return the propertyValue
    public String getPropertyValue() {
        return propertyValue;
     * @param propertyValue the propertyValue to set
    public void setPropertyValue(String propertyValue) {
        this.propertyValue = propertyValue;

    public String toString(){
        return "Property ::  "+this.propertyName+"   Value :: "+this.propertyValue;


2 回答 2



public static Object executeQuery(PreparedStatement inPstmt,String pDomainClassName)throws SQLException,Exception{

  List<Object> outResultList =new ArrayList<Object>();

 // the body of method

return outResultList;



public static <T> List<T> executeQuery(PreparedStatement inPstmt,Class<T> type) throws Exception{
    return (List<T>) executeQuery(inPstmt, type.getName()); //Here you will get a warning. 




     * Generates DB column and java Domain class property mapping
     * @param pInputClassName
     *                       java Domain class, fully qualified name(package+java class)
     * @return
     *                       Map<String,ColumnMappingDTO>, mapping of DB column and Java Doamin class property
     * @throws Exception
     *                       if pInputClassName is not loaded properly
    private static Map<String, ColumnMappingDTO> initColumnMappings(String pInputClassName) throws Exception {

        Map<String, ColumnMappingDTO> outMappingDetails = new HashMap<String, ColumnMappingDTO>();

        try {

            for (Field vField : getFields(pInputClassName)) {
                for (Annotation vAnnotation : vField.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {
                    if (vAnnotation instanceof Column) {
                        ColumnMappingDTO vColumnMappingDTO = createColumnMapping(vField, (Column) vAnnotation);
                        outMappingDetails.put(vColumnMappingDTO.getColumnName(), vColumnMappingDTO);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("caught Exception in initColumnMappings() as  " + ex);
            throw ex;

        return outMappingDetails;

     * @param vField
     * @param vAnnotation
     * @return
    private static ColumnMappingDTO createColumnMapping(Field vField, Column vAnnotation) {
        ColumnMappingDTO vColumnMappingDTO = new ColumnMappingDTO();
        return vColumnMappingDTO;

     * @param pInputClassName
     * @return
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    private static Field[] getFields(String pInputClassName) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        //try loading Domain Object Class
        return Class.forName(pInputClassName).getDeclaredFields();

     * Executes sql passed inform of PreparedStatement inPstmt and generated List genere as String pDomainClassName
     * @param inPstmt
     *               Sql to be executed inform of PreparedStatement
     * @param pDomainClassName
     *               fully qualified Class name of DTO
     * @return
     *               Object, later to be type casted to List<pDomainClassName>
     * @throws Exception
     *               When Mapping is not missing or done wrong 

    public static Object executeQuery(PreparedStatement inPstmt, String pDomainClassName) throws SQLException, Exception {
        return executeQuery(inPstmt, Class.forName(pDomainClassName));

    public static <T> List<T>  executeQuery(PreparedStatement inPstmt, Class<T> domainClass) throws SQLException, Exception {

        List<T> outResultList = new ArrayList<T>();
        ResultSet mRSet = null;
        try {

            // generate DB Column and Domain Class property mapping
            Map<String, ColumnMappingDTO> mMappingDetailsMap = initColumnMappings(domainClass.getName());

            // execute sql
            mRSet = inPstmt.executeQuery();

            if (mRSet == null) {
                return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

            List<String> mColumnNamesList = getColumnNameList(mRSet);

            while (mRSet.next()) {
                List<ColumnValueDTO> mColumnValuesList = new ArrayList<ColumnValueDTO>();

                for (String columnHeader : mColumnNamesList) {

                    if (mMappingDetailsMap.containsKey(columnHeader)) {
                        ColumnValueDTO mColumnValueDTO = new ColumnValueDTO();

                T domainObj = createDomainObject(mColumnValuesList, domainClass);

                // Add Object to out List
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println(" caught in executeQuery() " + ex);
            throw ex;
        } finally {

            // release resources
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                System.out.println(" caught in Exception while closing ResultSet " + e);
                throw e;

        return outResultList;

     * @param mColumnNamesList
     * @param mRSet
     * @return 
     * @throws SQLException
    private static List<String> getColumnNameList(ResultSet mRSet) throws SQLException {

        ResultSetMetaData mRsetMt = mRSet.getMetaData();

        if(mRsetMt == null){
            return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

        List<String> mColumnNamesList = new ArrayList<String>();

        // generate SELECT columns list
        for (int i = 0; i < mRsetMt.getColumnCount(); i++) {
            mColumnNamesList.add(mRsetMt.getColumnName(i + 1));

        return mColumnNamesList;

    private static Object createDomainObject(List<ColumnValueDTO> columnValuesList, String vDoaminClass) throws Exception {

        Class<?> domainClassObj = Class.forName(vDoaminClass);
        return createDomainObject(columnValuesList, domainClassObj);


    private static <T> T createDomainObject(List<ColumnValueDTO> columnValuesList, Class<T> domainClassObj) throws Exception {

        T domainObj = null;

        try {

            domainObj = domainClassObj.newInstance();

            for (ColumnValueDTO columnDTO : columnValuesList) {

                if (columnDTO == null) {

                Field domainDataField = domainClassObj.getDeclaredField(columnDTO.getPropertyName());

                Object valueByType = parseValueByType(columnDTO.getPropertyValue(), domainDataField.getType());
                domainDataField.set(domainObj, valueByType);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println(" Caught " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " in createDomainObject() " + e);
            throw e;

        return domainObj;

    private static Object parseValueByType(String value, Type type) throws Exception{

        if(value == null) {
            return null;


                return Integer.parseInt(value);

                return Double.parseDouble(value);

                return Float.parseFloat(value);

            if(Short.TYPE.equals(type)) {
                return Short.parseShort(value);

            if(Long.TYPE.equals(type)) {
                return Long.parseLong(value);

            if(java.sql.Timestamp.class.equals(type)) {
                return java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(value);

            if(java.sql.Date.class.equals(type)) {
                return java.sql.Date.valueOf(value);

            if(String.class.equals(type)) {
                return value; 

            if(Character.TYPE.equals(type)) {
                if(value.length() == 1) {
                    return value.charAt(0);

                if(value.length() == 0) {
                    return '\0';
                throw new IllegalStateException("");

        }catch(Exception ex){
            System.out.println(" Caught Exception in getValueByType() "+ex);
            throw ex;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find the resolver for type " + type);

     public static class ColumnValueDTO implements Serializable {

            private String propertyName;
            private String propertyValue;

            private static final long serialVersionUID = -4915109169715618102L;

             * @return the propertyName
            public String getPropertyName() {
               return propertyName;
             * @param propertyName the propertyName to set
            public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) {
                 this.propertyName = propertyName;
             * @return the propertyValue
            public String getPropertyValue() {
                return propertyValue;
             * @param propertyValue the propertyValue to set
            public void setPropertyValue(String propertyValue) {
                this.propertyValue = propertyValue;

            public String toString(){
                return "Property ::  "+this.propertyName+"   Value :: "+this.propertyValue;


     public static class ColumnMappingDTO {

         private String columnName;
         private String propertyName;
         private String dataType;

          * @return the columnName
         public String getColumnName() {
             return columnName;
          * @param columnName the columnName to set
         public void setColumnName(String columnName) {
             this.columnName = columnName;
          * @return the dataType
         public String getDataType() {
             return dataType;
          * @param dataType the dataType to set
         public void setDataType(String dataType) {
             this.dataType = dataType;
          * @return the propertyName
         public String getPropertyName() {
             return propertyName;
          * @param propertyName the propertyName to set
         public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) {
             this.propertyName = propertyName;

         public String toString(){

             return "Database Column :: "+this.columnName+"  Java Property :: "+this.propertyName+"   Java Datatype :: "+this.dataType;

     private static class Column {

         * @return
        public String name() {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;

于 2013-11-05T10:12:23.137 回答

看看SansORM。它执行琐碎的关系到对象映射(反之亦然),而没有像 Hibernate 这样的 ORM 的所有开销或复杂性。它使用 JPA 注释将属性映射到列。 披露:我是作者之一。

于 2013-11-10T12:32:41.990 回答