所以我正在为使用基本 GNU 随机数生成器的分配制作一个数字生成器。理想情况下,我需要输出处于这个发展阶段

On loop 0, just produced...1804289383
On loop 0, I just consumed...1804289383.


On loop 0, just produced...1804289383
On loop 1, just produced...846930886
On loop 2, just produced...1681692777
On loop 3, just produced...1714636915
On loop 4, just produced...1957747793
On loop 5, just produced...424238335
On loop 6, just produced...719885386
On loop 7, just produced...1649760492
On loop 8, just produced...596516649
On loop 9, just produced...1189641421
On loop 0, I just consumed...1804289383
On loop 1, I just consumed...846930886
On loop 2, I just consumed...1681692777
On loop 3, I just consumed...1714636915
On loop 4, I just consumed...1957747793
On loop 5, I just consumed...424238335
On loop 6, I just consumed...719885386
On loop 7, I just consumed...1649760492
On loop 8, I just consumed...596516649
On loop 9, I just consumed...1189641421




#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX_LOOP 10 //how many times the loop is allowed to go
#define MAX_VALUE 10 //how hig the random number can be
#define TRUE 1 //boolean value
#define FALSE 0 // ""
#define BUFFER_SIZE 10
#define DEBUG TRUE //debug variable. if on 1, it checks for bugs and stuff
pthread_cond_t cond; // conditional variable global
pthread_mutex_t the_mutex;

int bufferRandomFirst[BUFFER_SIZE]; //shared buffer array

int numOfItemsInQueue = 0;//number of items in the array

void *producerRandom(void *ptr)
*   Random() Producer function:
*   Creates numbers for the consumer to process using gcc random()
    int i = 0;
    int rand_num = 0;
    int rear = 0; //beginning of queue

    srandom((unsigned int)0) ; //make some random seeds

    for (i = 0; i< BUFFER_SIZE; i++){   

        rand_num =random(); //make a random number

        pthread_mutex_lock(&the_mutex); //get access to the buffer
        while (numOfItemsInQueue ==BUFFER_SIZE) {
            pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &the_mutex); //if the buffer is not empty, producer must stop
        }//end of while

        bufferRandomFirst[rear] = rand_num; //store the number in the buffer
        if (DEBUG){
            printf("On loop %d, just produced...%d\n", i, bufferRandomFirst[rear]);
        rear = (rear + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; //does the ciruclar queue loop
        numOfItemsInQueue +=1;

        pthread_cond_signal(&cond); //fires up the consumer process
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&the_mutex); // unlocks the mutex

    }//end of for loop                                                                      
    pthread_exit(0); //exit the thread
}//end producer

void *consumerRandom(void *ptr)
*   Random() Consumer Function
*   consumes the numbers that the producer makes
    int front = 0; //front of the queue
    int lastDigit = 0; //last digit of random number (thanks Nathan)
    int i = 0; //counting variable for for loops

    for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++){

        pthread_mutex_lock(&the_mutex); //get exclusive access to buffer

        while(numOfItemsInQueue == 0){
            pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &the_mutex);
        }//end of while
        if (DEBUG){
            printf("On loop %d, I just consumed...%d\n", i, bufferRandomFirst[i]);

        lastDigit = bufferRandomFirst[front] % 10; //steals the last digit from the random number
                    //for example, if the number was 100, 100 mod 10
                    //is 0, so you get 0.  if it was 101, you would get 1

        front = (front + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; //wrap around the array
        numOfItemsInQueue -= 1;
        pthread_cond_signal(&cond);//wake up producer

    }//end of for loop
    pthread_exit(0); //exit the loop
}//end of consumer

int main(int argc){
    pthread_t thread_one, thread_two; //create two threads for Random() Function

    printf("Random GNU numbers inbound!\n");
    //Random GCC pthread handing/
    pthread_mutex_init(&the_mutex,0); //set up the mutex    
    pthread_cond_init(&cond, 0); //set up the condition
    //makes a thread
    pthread_create(&thread_one, 0, producerRandom, 0);
    //makes a thread
    pthread_create(&thread_two, 0, consumerRandom, 0);  
    pthread_join(thread_one, 0); //wait on this thread  
    pthread_join(thread_two, 0); //wait on this one too. =)
    pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); //condition destroy
    pthread_mutex_destroy(&the_mutex); //destroy the mutex resources
    printf("And that is all for those numbers\n\n");

}//end of main

2 回答 2


从我最初浏览您的源代码来看,生产者和消费者之间没有会导致您期望的行为的互锁。例如,在生产者中,没有任何东西告诉它要等到一个项目被消费后才生产另一个项目。 the_mutex在生产者循环结束时释放,但在循环顶部立即重新获取。如果 OS 调度程序决定您的生产者线程仍然可以继续运行,那么将产生另一个项目。

于 2013-11-05T04:36:23.100 回答

查看最新更改。在发出信号之前解锁 the_mutex。生产/消费序列似乎不太确定。将 printf 语句移到了临界区之外。检查 numOfItemsInQueue 值时使用 if 语句而不是 while 循环。

// Compile with "gcc -pthread" command

#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX_LOOP 300 //how many times the loop is allowed to go
#define MAX_VALUE 10 //how big the random number can be
#define TRUE 1 //boolean value
#define FALSE 0 // ""
#define BUFFER_SIZE 20
#define DEBUG TRUE //debug variable. if on 1, it checks for bugs and stuff
pthread_cond_t cond; // conditional variable global
pthread_mutex_t the_mutex;

int bufferRandomFirst[BUFFER_SIZE]; //shared buffer array

int numOfItemsInQueue = 0;//number of items in the array

void *producerRandom(void *ptr)
*   Random() Producer function:
*   Creates numbers for the consumer to process using gcc random()
    int i = 0;
    int rand_num = 0;
    int rear = 0; //beginning of queue

    srandom((unsigned int)0) ; //make some random seeds

    for (i = 0; i< MAX_LOOP; i++){   

        int rand_num =random(); //make a random number

        pthread_mutex_lock(&the_mutex); //get access to the buffer
        if (numOfItemsInQueue == BUFFER_SIZE) { // No need to loop: Upon pthread_cond_wait, we know for a fact that numOfItemsInQueue < BUFFER_SIZE (we have a single producer here)
            pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &the_mutex); //if the buffer is full, producer must stop

        bufferRandomFirst[rear] = rand_num; //store the number in the buffer
        rear = (rear + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; //does the circular queue loop
        numOfItemsInQueue +=1;

        pthread_mutex_unlock(&the_mutex); // unlocks the mutex
        pthread_cond_signal(&cond); //fires up the consumer process
        if (DEBUG){
            printf("On loop %d, just produced...%d\n", i, rand_num);

    }//end of for loop                                                                      
    pthread_exit(0); //exit the thread
}//end producer

void *consumerRandom(void *ptr)
*   Random() Consumer Function
*   consumes the numbers that the producer makes
    int front = 0; //front of the queue
    int i = 0; //counting variable for for loops

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOOP; i++){

        pthread_mutex_lock(&the_mutex); //get exclusive access to buffer

        if(numOfItemsInQueue == 0){
            pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &the_mutex); // If buffer is empty, consumer must stop

        int rand_num = bufferRandomFirst[front];

        front = (front + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; //wrap around the array
        numOfItemsInQueue -= 1;
        pthread_cond_signal(&cond);//wake up producer

        if (DEBUG){
            printf("On loop %d, I just consumed...%d\n", i, rand_num);

    }//end of for loop
    pthread_exit(0); //exit the loop
}//end of consumer

int main(){
    pthread_t thread_one, thread_two; //create two threads for Random() Function

    printf("Random GNU numbers inbound!\n");
    //Random GCC pthread handing/
    pthread_mutex_init(&the_mutex,0); //set up the mutex    
    pthread_cond_init(&cond, 0); //set up the condition
    //makes a thread
    pthread_create(&thread_one, 0, producerRandom, 0);
    //makes a thread
    pthread_create(&thread_two, 0, consumerRandom, 0);  
    pthread_join(thread_one, 0); //wait on this thread  
    pthread_join(thread_two, 0); //wait on this one too. =)
    pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); //condition destroy
    pthread_mutex_destroy(&the_mutex); //destroy the mutex resources
    printf("And that is all for those numbers\n\n");

}//end of main 

缓冲区大小为 5 且 MAX_LOOP = 30 的输出。请注意开头

Random GNU numbers inbound!
On loop 0, just produced...1804289383
On loop 1, just produced...846930886
On loop 2, just produced...1681692777
On loop 3, just produced...1714636915
On loop 4, just produced...1957747793
On loop 0, I just consumed...1804289383
On loop 1, I just consumed...846930886
On loop 5, just produced...424238335
On loop 6, just produced...719885386
On loop 2, I just consumed...1681692777
On loop 3, I just consumed...1714636915
On loop 4, I just consumed...1957747793
On loop 5, I just consumed...424238335
On loop 6, I just consumed...719885386
On loop 7, just produced...1649760492
On loop 8, just produced...596516649
On loop 9, just produced...1189641421
On loop 10, just produced...1025202362
On loop 11, just produced...1350490027
On loop 7, I just consumed...1649760492
On loop 8, I just consumed...596516649
On loop 9, I just consumed...1189641421
On loop 12, just produced...783368690
On loop 13, just produced...1102520059
On loop 14, just produced...2044897763
On loop 10, I just consumed...1025202362
On loop 11, I just consumed...1350490027
On loop 12, I just consumed...783368690
On loop 13, I just consumed...1102520059
On loop 15, just produced...1967513926
On loop 16, just produced...1365180540
On loop 17, just produced...1540383426
On loop 18, just produced...304089172
On loop 14, I just consumed...2044897763
On loop 15, I just consumed...1967513926
On loop 16, I just consumed...1365180540
On loop 17, I just consumed...1540383426
On loop 18, I just consumed...304089172
On loop 19, just produced...1303455736
On loop 20, just produced...35005211
On loop 19, I just consumed...1303455736
On loop 20, I just consumed...35005211
On loop 21, just produced...521595368
On loop 22, just produced...294702567
On loop 21, I just consumed...521595368
On loop 22, I just consumed...294702567
On loop 23, just produced...1726956429
On loop 24, just produced...336465782
On loop 23, I just consumed...1726956429
On loop 24, I just consumed...336465782
On loop 25, just produced...861021530
On loop 26, just produced...278722862
On loop 25, I just consumed...861021530
On loop 26, I just consumed...278722862
On loop 27, just produced...233665123
On loop 28, just produced...2145174067
On loop 27, I just consumed...233665123
On loop 28, I just consumed...2145174067
On loop 29, just produced...468703135
On loop 29, I just consumed...468703135
And that is all for those numbers
于 2013-11-05T04:51:44.953 回答