我对 Python 还很陌生,我正在尝试为文本编辑器编写一个插件。

我想知道是否有办法从 python 代码启动默认系统电子邮件客户端。


2 回答 2



import win32api
win32api.ShellExecute(0,'open','mailto:',None,None ,0)


啊,我误读了你的问题,并假设你在 Win 平台上。独立于平台的解决方案将mailto在浏览器中打开链接,例如

import webbrowser
webbrowser.open('mailto:', new=1)

更新 2


#!/usr/bin/env python

'''Utilities for opening files or URLs in the registered default application
and for sending e-mail using the user's preferred composer.


__version__ = '1.1'
__all__ = ['open', 'mailto']

import os
import sys
import webbrowser
import subprocess

from email.Utils import encode_rfc2231

_controllers = {}
_open = None

class BaseController(object):
    '''Base class for open program controllers.'''

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def open(self, filename):
        raise NotImplementedError

class Controller(BaseController):
    '''Controller for a generic open program.'''

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(Controller, self).__init__(os.path.basename(args[0]))
        self.args = list(args)

    def _invoke(self, cmdline):
        if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
            closefds = False
            startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
            startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
            closefds = True
            startupinfo = None

        if (os.environ.get('DISPLAY') or sys.platform[:3] == 'win' or
                                                    sys.platform == 'darwin'):
            inout = file(os.devnull, 'r+')
            # for TTY programs, we need stdin/out
            inout = None

        # if possible, put the child precess in separate process group,
        # so keyboard interrupts don't affect child precess as well as
        # Python
        setsid = getattr(os, 'setsid', None)
        if not setsid:
            setsid = getattr(os, 'setpgrp', None)

        pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=inout, stdout=inout,
                                stderr=inout, close_fds=closefds,
                                preexec_fn=setsid, startupinfo=startupinfo)

        # It is assumed that this kind of tools (gnome-open, kfmclient,
        # exo-open, xdg-open and open for OSX) immediately exit after lauching
        # the specific application
        returncode = pipe.wait()
        if hasattr(self, 'fixreturncode'):
            returncode = self.fixreturncode(returncode)
        return not returncode

    def open(self, filename):
        if isinstance(filename, basestring):
            cmdline = self.args + [filename]
            # assume it is a sequence
            cmdline = self.args + filename
            return self._invoke(cmdline)
        except OSError:
            return False

# Platform support for Windows
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':

    class Start(BaseController):
        '''Controller for the win32 start progam through os.startfile.'''

        def open(self, filename):
            except WindowsError:
                # [Error 22] No application is associated with the specified
                # file for this operation: '<URL>'
                return False
                return True

    _controllers['windows-default'] = Start('start')
    _open = _controllers['windows-default'].open

# Platform support for MacOS
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
    _controllers['open']= Controller('open')
    _open = _controllers['open'].open

# Platform support for Unix

    import commands

    # @WARNING: use the private API of the webbrowser module
    from webbrowser import _iscommand

    class KfmClient(Controller):
        '''Controller for the KDE kfmclient program.'''

        def __init__(self, kfmclient='kfmclient'):
            super(KfmClient, self).__init__(kfmclient, 'exec')
            self.kde_version = self.detect_kde_version()

        def detect_kde_version(self):
            kde_version = None
                info = commands.getoutput('kde-config --version')

                for line in info.splitlines():
                    if line.startswith('KDE'):
                        kde_version = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
            except (OSError, RuntimeError):

            return kde_version

        def fixreturncode(self, returncode):
            if returncode is not None and self.kde_version > '3.5.4':
                return returncode
                return os.EX_OK

    def detect_desktop_environment():
        '''Checks for known desktop environments

        Return the desktop environments name, lowercase (kde, gnome, xfce)
        or "generic"


        desktop_environment = 'generic'

        if os.environ.get('KDE_FULL_SESSION') == 'true':
            desktop_environment = 'kde'
        elif os.environ.get('GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID'):
            desktop_environment = 'gnome'
                info = commands.getoutput('xprop -root _DT_SAVE_MODE')
                if ' = "xfce4"' in info:
                    desktop_environment = 'xfce'
            except (OSError, RuntimeError):

        return desktop_environment

    def register_X_controllers():
        if _iscommand('kfmclient'):
            _controllers['kde-open'] = KfmClient()

        for command in ('gnome-open', 'exo-open', 'xdg-open'):
            if _iscommand(command):
                _controllers[command] = Controller(command)

    def get():
        controllers_map = {
            'gnome': 'gnome-open',
            'kde': 'kde-open',
            'xfce': 'exo-open',

        desktop_environment = detect_desktop_environment()

            controller_name = controllers_map[desktop_environment]
            return _controllers[controller_name].open

        except KeyError:
            if _controllers.has_key('xdg-open'):
                return _controllers['xdg-open'].open
                return webbrowser.open

    if os.environ.get("DISPLAY"):
    _open = get()

def open(filename):
    '''Open a file or an URL in the registered default application.'''

    return _open(filename)

def _fix_addersses(**kwargs):
    for headername in ('address', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'):
            headervalue = kwargs[headername]
            if not headervalue:
                del kwargs[headername]
            elif not isinstance(headervalue, basestring):
                # assume it is a sequence
                headervalue = ','.join(headervalue)

        except KeyError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('string or sequence expected for "%s", '
                            '%s found' % (headername,
            translation_map = {'%': '%25', '&': '%26', '?': '%3F'}
            for char, replacement in translation_map.items():
                headervalue = headervalue.replace(char, replacement)
            kwargs[headername] = headervalue

    return kwargs

def mailto_format(**kwargs):
    # @TODO: implement utf8 option

    kwargs = _fix_addersses(**kwargs)
    parts = []
    for headername in ('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'body', 'attach'):
        if kwargs.has_key(headername):
            headervalue = kwargs[headername]
            if not headervalue:
            if headername in ('address', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'):
                parts.append('%s=%s' % (headername, headervalue))
                headervalue = encode_rfc2231(headervalue) # @TODO: check
                parts.append('%s=%s' % (headername, headervalue))

    mailto_string = 'mailto:%s' % kwargs.get('address', '')
    if parts:
        mailto_string = '%s?%s' % (mailto_string, '&'.join(parts))

    return mailto_string

def mailto(address, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject=None, body=None,
    '''Send an e-mail using the user's preferred composer.

    Open the user's preferred e-mail composer in order to send a mail to
    address(es) that must follow the syntax of RFC822. Multiple addresses
    may be provided (for address, cc and bcc parameters) as separate

    All parameters provided are used to prefill corresponding fields in
    the user's e-mail composer. The user will have the opportunity to
    change any of this information before actually sending the e-mail.

    address - specify the destination recipient
    cc      - specify a recipient to be copied on the e-mail
    bcc     - specify a recipient to be blindly copied on the e-mail
    subject - specify a subject for the e-mail
    body    - specify a body for the e-mail. Since the user will be able
              to make changes before actually sending the e-mail, this
              can be used to provide the user with a template for the
              e-mail text may contain linebreaks
    attach  - specify an attachment for the e-mail. file must point to
              an existing file


    mailto_string = mailto_format(**locals())
    return open(mailto_string)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from optparse import OptionParser

    version = '%%prog %s' % __version__
    usage = (
        '\n\n%prog FILENAME [FILENAME(s)] -- for opening files'
        '\n\n%prog -m [OPTIONS] ADDRESS [ADDRESS(es)] -- for sending e-mails'

    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version, description=__doc__)
    parser.add_option('-m', '--mailto', dest='mailto_mode', default=False,
                      action='store_true', help='set mailto mode. '
                      'If not set any other option is ignored')
    parser.add_option('--cc', dest='cc', help='specify a recipient to be '
                      'copied on the e-mail')
    parser.add_option('--bcc', dest='bcc', help='specify a recipient to be '
                      'blindly copied on the e-mail')
    parser.add_option('--subject', dest='subject',
                      help='specify a subject for the e-mail')
    parser.add_option('--body', dest='body', help='specify a body for the '
                      'e-mail. Since the user will be able to make changes '
                      'before actually sending the e-mail, this can be used '
                      'to provide the user with a template for the e-mail '
                      'text may contain linebreaks')
    parser.add_option('--attach', dest='attach', help='specify an attachment '
                      'for the e-mail. file must point to an existing file')

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if not args:

    if options.mailto_mode:
        if not mailto(args, None, options.cc, options.bcc, options.subject,
                      options.body, options.attach):
            sys.exit('Unable to open the e-mail client')
        for name in ('cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'body', 'attach'):
            if getattr(options, name):
                parser.error('The "cc", "bcc", "subject", "body" and "attach" '
                             'options are only accepten in mailto mode')
        success = False
        for arg in args:
            if not open(arg):
                print 'Unable to open "%s"' % arg
                success = True


于 2013-11-04T23:36:47.833 回答

上述代码仅适用于 Python 2。

我已经对其进行了修改以适用于 Python 3。出于安全原因,不再支持“attach”参数。

#!/usr/bin/env python3

'''Utilities for opening files or URLs in the registered default application
and for sending e-mail using the user's preferred composer.



__version__ = '1.1'
__all__ = ['open', 'mailto']

import os
import sys
import webbrowser
import subprocess

from email.utils import encode_rfc2231

_controllers = {}
_open = None

fileopen = open

class BaseController(object):
    '''Base class for open program controllers.'''

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def open(self, filename):
        raise NotImplementedError

class Controller(BaseController):
    '''Controller for a generic open program.'''

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(Controller, self).__init__(os.path.basename(args[0]))
        self.args = list(args)

    def _invoke(self, cmdline):
        if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
            closefds = False
            startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
            startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
            closefds = True
            startupinfo = None

        if (os.environ.get('DISPLAY') or sys.platform[:3] == 'win' or
                                                    sys.platform == 'darwin'):
            inout = fileopen(os.devnull, 'r+')
            # for TTY programs, we need stdin/out
            inout = None

        # if possible, put the child precess in separate process group,
        # so keyboard interrupts don't affect child precess as well as
        # Python
        setsid = getattr(os, 'setsid', None)
        if not setsid:
            setsid = getattr(os, 'setpgrp', None)

        pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=inout, stdout=inout,
                                stderr=inout, close_fds=closefds,
                                preexec_fn=setsid, startupinfo=startupinfo)

        # It is assumed that this kind of tools (gnome-open, kfmclient,
        # exo-open, xdg-open and open for OSX) immediately exit after lauching
        # the specific application
        returncode = pipe.wait()
        if hasattr(self, 'fixreturncode'):
            returncode = self.fixreturncode(returncode)
        return not returncode

    def open(self, filename):
        if isinstance(filename, str):
            cmdline = self.args + [filename]
            # assume it is a sequence
            cmdline = self.args + filename
            return self._invoke(cmdline)
        except OSError:
            return False

# Platform support for Windows
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':

    class Start(BaseController):
        '''Controller for the win32 start progam through os.startfile.'''

        def open(self, filename):
            except WindowsError:
                # [Error 22] No application is associated with the specified
                # file for this operation: '<URL>'
                return False
                return True

    _controllers['windows-default'] = Start('start')
    _open = _controllers['windows-default'].open

# Platform support for MacOS
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
    _controllers['open']= Controller('open')
    _open = _controllers['open'].open

# Platform support for Unix

    import subprocess, stat

    # @WARNING: use the private API of the webbrowser module
    # from webbrowser import _iscommand

    def _isexecutable(cmd):
        if os.path.isfile(cmd):
            mode = os.stat(cmd)[stat.ST_MODE]
            if mode & stat.S_IXUSR or mode & stat.S_IXGRP or mode & stat.S_IXOTH:
                return True
        return False

    def _iscommand(cmd):
        """Return True if cmd is executable or can be found on the executable
        search path."""
        if _isexecutable(cmd):
            return True

        path = os.environ.get("PATH")
        if not path:
            return False
        for d in path.split(os.pathsep):
            exe = os.path.join(d, cmd)
            if _isexecutable(exe):
                return True
        return False

    class KfmClient(Controller):
        '''Controller for the KDE kfmclient program.'''

        def __init__(self, kfmclient='kfmclient'):
            super(KfmClient, self).__init__(kfmclient, 'exec')
            self.kde_version = self.detect_kde_version()

        def detect_kde_version(self):
            kde_version = None
                info = subprocess.getoutput('kde-config --version')

                for line in info.splitlines():
                    if line.startswith('KDE'):
                        kde_version = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
            except (OSError, RuntimeError):

            return kde_version

        def fixreturncode(self, returncode):
            if returncode is not None and self.kde_version > '3.5.4':
                return returncode
                return os.EX_OK

    def detect_desktop_environment():
        '''Checks for known desktop environments

        Return the desktop environments name, lowercase (kde, gnome, xfce)
        or "generic"


        desktop_environment = 'generic'

        if os.environ.get('KDE_FULL_SESSION') == 'true':
            desktop_environment = 'kde'
        elif os.environ.get('GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID'):
            desktop_environment = 'gnome'
                info = subprocess.getoutput('xprop -root _DT_SAVE_MODE')
                if ' = "xfce4"' in info:
                    desktop_environment = 'xfce'
            except (OSError, RuntimeError):

        return desktop_environment

    def register_X_controllers():
        if _iscommand('kfmclient'):
            _controllers['kde-open'] = KfmClient()

        for command in ('gnome-open', 'exo-open', 'xdg-open'):
            if _iscommand(command):
                _controllers[command] = Controller(command)

    def get():
        controllers_map = {
            'gnome': 'gnome-open',
            'kde': 'kde-open',
            'xfce': 'exo-open',

        desktop_environment = detect_desktop_environment()

            controller_name = controllers_map[desktop_environment]
            return _controllers[controller_name].open

        except KeyError:
            if 'xdg-open' in _controllers:
                return _controllers['xdg-open'].open
                return webbrowser.open

    if os.environ.get("DISPLAY"):
    _open = get()

def open(filename):
    '''Open a file or an URL in the registered default application.'''

    return _open(filename)

def _fix_addersses(**kwargs):
    for headername in ('address', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'):
            headervalue = kwargs[headername]
            if not headervalue:
                del kwargs[headername]
            elif not isinstance(headervalue, str):
                # assume it is a sequence
                headervalue = ','.join(headervalue)

        except KeyError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('string or sequence expected for "%s", '
                            '%s found' % (headername,
            translation_map = {'%': '%25', '&': '%26', '?': '%3F'}
            for char, replacement in list(translation_map.items()):
                headervalue = headervalue.replace(char, replacement)
            kwargs[headername] = headervalue

    return kwargs

def mailto_format(**kwargs):
    # @TODO: implement utf8 option

    kwargs = _fix_addersses(**kwargs)
    parts = []
    for headername in ('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'body'):
        if headername in kwargs:
            headervalue = kwargs[headername]
            if not headervalue:
            if headername in ('address', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'):
                parts.append('%s=%s' % (headername, headervalue))
                headervalue = encode_rfc2231(headervalue, charset="utf-8")[7:] # @TODO: check
                parts.append('%s=%s' % (headername, headervalue))

    mailto_string = 'mailto:%s' % kwargs.get('address', '')
    if parts:
        mailto_string = '%s?%s' % (mailto_string, '&'.join(parts))

    return mailto_string

def mailto(address, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject=None, body=None):
    '''Send an e-mail using the user's preferred composer.

    Open the user's preferred e-mail composer in order to send a mail to
    address(es) that must follow the syntax of RFC822. Multiple addresses
    may be provided (for address, cc and bcc parameters) as separate

    All parameters provided are used to prefill corresponding fields in
    the user's e-mail composer. The user will have the opportunity to
    change any of this information before actually sending the e-mail.

    address - specify the destination recipient
    cc      - specify a recipient to be copied on the e-mail
    bcc     - specify a recipient to be blindly copied on the e-mail
    subject - specify a subject for the e-mail
    body    - specify a body for the e-mail. Since the user will be able
              to make changes before actually sending the e-mail, this
              can be used to provide the user with a template for the
              e-mail text may contain linebreaks
    attach  - specify an attachment for the e-mail. file must point to
              an existing file (UNSUPPORTED)


    mailto_string = mailto_format(**locals())
    return open(mailto_string)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from optparse import OptionParser

    version = '%%prog %s' % __version__
    usage = (
        '\n\n%prog FILENAME [FILENAME(s)] -- for opening files'
        '\n\n%prog -m [OPTIONS] ADDRESS [ADDRESS(es)] -- for sending e-mails'

    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version, description=__doc__)
    parser.add_option('-m', '--mailto', dest='mailto_mode', default=False,
                      action='store_true', help='set mailto mode. '
                      'If not set any other option is ignored')
    parser.add_option('--cc', dest='cc', help='specify a recipient to be '
                      'copied on the e-mail')
    parser.add_option('--bcc', dest='bcc', help='specify a recipient to be '
                      'blindly copied on the e-mail')
    parser.add_option('--subject', dest='subject',
                      help='specify a subject for the e-mail')
    parser.add_option('--body', dest='body', help='specify a body for the '
                      'e-mail. Since the user will be able to make changes '
                      'before actually sending the e-mail, this can be used '
                      'to provide the user with a template for the e-mail '
                      'text may contain linebreaks')
    parser.add_option('--attach', dest='attach', help='specify an attachment '
                      'for the e-mail. file must point to an existing file')

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if not args:

    if options.mailto_mode:
        if not mailto(args, None, options.cc, options.bcc, options.subject,
                      options.body, options.attach):
            sys.exit('Unable to open the e-mail client')
        for name in ('cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'body', 'attach'):
            if getattr(options, name):
                parser.error('The "cc", "bcc", "subject", "body" and "attach" '
                             'options are only accepten in mailto mode')
        success = False
        for arg in args:
            if not open(arg):
                print('Unable to open "%s"' % arg)
                success = True
于 2020-10-21T09:09:26.543 回答