Here is my problem:

A designer creates a banner ad showing a sale. For example: 10% off all items. The sale changes every other weekend from 10% to 15%. The design of the ad and the position of the text changes from week to week or day to day. I would like to automate the text change and banner creation.

Is there a way to dynamically open up a psd that holds the design and change the text and output the image using a LAMP server?

The image file does not have to be a psd. I guess it can be any format that would allow me to do this easily.

I did some research and found a program called imagemagick. I could not find any documentation on how to solve my problem using this software.

I don’t know if this is the right software to use or not. Any help would be appreciated


1 回答 1


这绝对是可能的 - 您将创建一个没有文本的图像文件,采用 Imagemagick 可以理解的某种格式(即,不是 PSD - JPEG 或 PNG 是两种常见格式),然后在其上绘制一些文本。相同的技术用于生成这些验证码图像。


显然,您可以做比该页面显示的更复杂的事情,但它应该让您开始。完整的 PHP ImageMagick API 在主要的 PHP 文档中有很好的记录,可以在这里找到。

于 2013-11-04T20:02:31.683 回答