
Let's say I have a list of 1,2,3,6,7 and my goal weight is 4:
The items that will equal this weight are 1 and 3. 
My first iteration will go like this:
Item: 1
Goal Weight: 3 (I did weight - the item)
Items: 1,2
Goal Weight: 1
Items: 1,2,3
Goal Weight: -2
-- Once the weight reaches < 0, it should restart the goal weight and then restart the position    
but the items should start at 1 and skip over 2, going straight to 3. An Example below:
Items: 1
Goal Weight: 3
Items: 1, 3
Goal Weight: 0 // Finished

--但是,我不知道如何跳过 2 并转到 3。在某种程度上,我理解这个问题使用组合/排列。我只是无法让我的代码按照我想要的方式工作。下面是我的代码。如果我有任何不清楚的地方,请告诉我。

    public boolean recursive(int weight, int start){
       if(weight == 0){// if weight is zero, we found what we wanted.
           System.out.println("We did it");
           return true;
       else if(weight < 0){ //Too much weight in the bag.
           if(start == storeItems.length-1){ //reached the end of the array.
           recursive(goalWeight, start + 1);
           return false;
           else{ // did not reach end of the array but still not the right combination of numbers.
              recursive(weight, start + 1);
       else if(weight > 0){
           boolean x = recursive(weight - storeItems[start], start + 1);
           System.out.print("No values");
    return false;


1 回答 1



我的代码演示了布尔值的使用。使用这个标记为“x”的布尔值,它将遍历我的递归的其余部分,寻找正确的组合,直到 x 应该返回 false。在不向可能被困在我所在位置的人提供答案的情况下,我将给出一个小代码示例。

boolean x = recursive(weight - storeItems[start], start + 1)

使用这段代码,可以重构上述基本情况,以确定上述代码是返回真还是假。如果它返回真,那么它应该打印出所有加到目标重量的必要数据。如果它返回 false,那么它应该继续到列表中的下一个项目。


于 2013-11-05T18:20:56.557 回答