我使用 JNI 对 Java 类进行 C 调用。其中一个 Java 类加载一个 DLL,并使用 SWIG 生成的代码调用该 DLL。

问题是:当我在 C 中调用调用 DLL 的 Java 类时,我什么也得不到,它不工作。




 * java method that loads the DLL and that is called from C
 * in the function "createInstance"(see below)
public void loadIsystem(){
    ConnectionMgr connection = new ConnectionMgr();

 * the ConnectionMgr constructor
 * makes a call to the SWIG created wrapper "connectJNI"
 * and constructs the object. The most recently DLL is used.
 * here the call gets broken
  public ConnectionMgr() {
      this(connectJNI.new_ConnectionMgr__SWIG_0(), true);

  /*C code that calls the Java method(the env var is already instantiated)
  *the call gets broken when the "connection" instance is created:
  *ConnectionMgr connection = new ConnectionMgr();
  *in the loadSystem method
  jobject createInstance(JNIEnv* env, char * className, char * contsructorSignature, ...)
    jclass myclz = (*env)->FindClass(env, className);
    jmethodID cons = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, myclz, "<init>", contsructorSignature);
    jobject scObject = (*env)->NewObject(env, myclz, cons);

    printf("class: %d\n", myclz);
    printf("constructor: %d\n", cons);
    printf("instance: %d\n", scObject);

    jmethodID scMethod1 = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, myclz, "loadIsystem", "()V");
    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, scObject, scMethod1);

    return scObject;

可能与这个问题有关: 从 Matlab 调用 Java


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