为了安全起见,我用 Python 编写了一些涉及类型检查的代码,但其中一个在一个地方一直失败,但也在几乎同一个地方工作。

此检查适用于 Point 类:

def __repr__(self) :
    print('we be an instance: {}'.format(isinstance(self,Point)))
    return "(point: state:{}; conns:{})".format(Conversion.getStateAsStr(self), connections[self])

并成功打印出来we be an instance: true


def getStateAsStr(p) :
    if not isinstance(p, Point) :
        raise TypeError("Non-point")
    if p.state : # state is a var in Point
        return "On"
    return "Off"

import pointsys
from pointsys import Point


编辑:整个 Conversion.py 目前由上面的 getStateAsStr 片段组成。导入位于底部以防止循环导入出现错误。

非常重要:如果从 Conversion.py 运行,它就像一个魅力。从 pointsys 文件运行会产生来自 getStateAsStr 的 TypeError

这是包含类的整个 pointsys.py 文件Point

connections = {}

def writeConnection(point, connList) :
    connections[point] = connList

def addConnection(point, point2) :
    if point2 not in connections[point] :
    else :
        print("Skipping point {}".format(point2))

def remConnection(point, point2) :

class Point():

    def __init__(self) :
        self.state = Off
        writeConnection(self, [])

    def __repr__(self) :
        print('we be an instance: {}'.format(isinstance(self,Point)))
        return "(point: state:{}; conns:{})".format(Conversion.getStateAsStr(self), connections[self])


    Makes or removes a connection between this point and p2
    def markConnection(self, p2, connected) :
        if connected :
            addConnection(self, p2)
        elif not connected :
            remConnection(self, p2)

    Returns if this point is connected to p2
    def isConnected(self, p2) :
        return p2 in connections[self]


    Sets the state of this point and it's connections
    def pushState(self, state) :
        self.state = state
        for connection in connections[self][:] :

import Conversion
from State import Off, On, Connected, Unconnected

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