根据加速 C++:


例如,如果我们所有的学生都失败了,我们即将看到的函数的执行时间将与学生人数的平方成正比增长。这意味着对于一个有 100 名学生的班级,该计划的运行时间是一个学生的 10,000 倍。问题是我们的输入记录存储在一个向量中,该向量针对快速随机访问进行了优化。这种优化的一个代价是插入或删除除向量末尾以外的元素可能会很昂贵。

作者没有解释为什么向量对于 10,000 多名学生来说会如此缓慢,以及为什么在向量中间添加或删除元素通常很慢。Stack Overflow上的某个人可以为我想出一个漂亮的答案吗?


3 回答 3




这对于快速找到第n元素非常有用(因为您只需沿着n 个位置移动并取消引用),但对于插入中间非常不利,因为您必须一次一个地移动所有后面的元素.


于 2013-11-04T14:43:20.567 回答

When inserting elements into or removing elements from the middle of a std::vector<T> all elements after the modification point need to moved: when inserting they need to be moved further to the back, when removing they need to be moved forward to close the gap. The background is that std::vector<T> is basically just a contiguous sequence of elements.

Although this operation isn't too bad for certain types it can become comparatively slow. Note, however, that the size of the container needs to be of some sensible size or the cost of moving be significant: for small vectors, inserting into/removing from the middle is probably faster than using other data structures, e.g., lists. Eventually the cost of maintaining a more complex structure does pay off, however.

于 2013-11-04T14:45:47.547 回答

std::vector allocates memory as one extent. If you need to insert an element in the middle of the extend you have to shift right all elements of the vector that to make a free slot where you will nsert the new element. And moreover if the extend is already full of elements the vector need to allocate a new larger extend and copy all elements from the original extent to the new one.

于 2013-11-04T14:46:37.750 回答