I am trying to develop a proposal for small biz executives to have access to dashboards for up to date financials.
This data can come from various regional/local offices, to be collected and analyzed at the parent/home office.

--Link specific tables in SQL server to Access

QUESTION: I read this is advisable because sometimes it is easier to edit in Access than diretly in SQL Server. It makes support easier. Is this true or is there a better way?


1 回答 1


我认为这是一个不错的方法。Access 提供了出色的 RAD 环境。
最大的问题是当您尝试访问庞大的数据集时。您需要能够编写存储过程,以便在数据通过网络以供 Access 处理之前对其进行汇总。如果数据集很大,那么无论您在前端使用什么,都将使用存储过程或类似于传递查询的东西。

于 2013-11-04T14:47:55.017 回答