I'm having a problem with page level output caching and vary by custom in our .NET 4.0 ASP.NET Web Forms application.

We use URL Rewriting so I wanted to vary the cache based on the raw url as different urls map to the same aspx handler page. (e.g. /article-1.aspx and /article-2.aspx both get handled by /articlepage.aspx)

I've tried

<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="None" VaryByCustom="RAWURL" Location="Server"  %>



I've disabled the session and checked that we are not setting any cookies (in code and in Fiddler)

When I remove the VaryByCustom, caching works, but because of the URL Rewriting the content obviously doesn't match the URL.

The GetVaryByCustomMethod is simple

public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
    if (custom == "RAWURL")
        return context.Request.Current.RawUrl;
        return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);

It doesn't matter what I put in this method, even if I just get it to call the base class caching stops working.

We successfully use this technique for control level output caching, it just fails for page level.

I've created a simple site and got VaryByCustom working so there is clearly something else in this site preventing it.

Is there any tracing/logging I can do to see where the problem is?


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