我需要一些关于 NetLogo 编程的帮助。我不得不让机器人在迷宫中行走。机器人只能在黑色斑块上行走(紫色斑块代表障碍物)。有一个绿色补丁​​代表目标或终点线。机器人可以前进、后退、左转和右转,它必须到达目标。


我制作了三个程序(check-forward、check-left 和 check-right)来为我提供有关免费补丁数量和程序检查目标的信息,以检查代理何时到达目标。我做了程序“搜索”,但它有时有效,有时无效..我找不到问题所在。请告诉我我做错了什么?!

这是图片:http: //i.imgur.com/LPU2dmN.jpg


breed [agents agent] 
target      // finish
num_forward //number of free patches forward
num_right   //number of free patches right
num_left    //number of free patches left
chance]     //number of directions where there is the same number of free patches    
              (pick one of them randomly)

to check-target
ask agent 0[ifelse [pcolor = green] of patch-here
[set target true]
[set target false]]

to check-forward
ask agent 0 [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = black or [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = 
[ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 2 = black or [pcolor] of patch-ahead 2 = green
[set num_forward 2]
[set num_forward 1]]
[set num_forward 0]]

to check-left
ask agent 0 [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-left-and-ahead 90 1 = black or [pcolor] of patch 
left-and-ahead 90 1 = green
[ifelse [pcolor] of patch-left-and-ahead 90 2 = black or [pcolor] of patch-
left-and-ahead 90 2 = green
[set num_left 2]
[set num_left 1]]
[set num_left 0] ]

to check-right
ask agent 0 [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 = black or [pcolor] of 
patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 = green
[ifelse [pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 90 2 = black or [pcolor] of patch-right-
and-ahead 90 2 = green
[set num_right 2]
[set num_right 1]]
[set num_right 0]]

to search 
ask agent 0[
while [target = false][
if((num_forward = 2 and num_right = 2 and num_left = 2) or (num_forward = 1 and 
num_right = 1 and num_left = 1))
[set chance random 3
if chance = 0 [forward] //procedure 'forward' moves by one patch forward
if chance = 1 [right]   //procedure 'right' rotates 90° right and moves forward
if chance = 2 [left]]   //procedure 'left' rotates 90° left and moves forward

if(num_forward > num_left and num_right > num_left and num_forward = 2 and num_right = 
2) or (num_forward > num_left and num_right > num_left and num_forward = 1 and 
num_right = 1)
[set chance random 2
ifelse chance = 0 [forward][right]]

if(num_forward > num_right and num_left > num_right and num_forward = 2 and num_left = 
2) or (num_forward > num_right and num_left > num_right and num_forward = 1 and 
num_left = 1)
[set chance random 2
ifelse chance = 0 [forward][left]]

if(num_right > num_forward and num_left > num_forward and num_right = 2 and num_left = 
2) or (num_right > num_forward and num_left > num_forward and num_right = 1 and 
num_left = 1)
[set chance random 2
ifelse chance = 0 [right][left]]

if(num_forward > num_right and num_forward > num_left)[forward]
if(num_right > num_left and num_right > num_forward)[right]
if(num_left > num_forward and num_left > num_right)[left]
if(num_forward = 0 and num_right = 0 and num_left = 0)[backward]  //procedure 
                                                                  'backward' moves by 
                                                                   one patch back

2 回答 2


这不可能是您的实际代码,因为 NetLogo 不允许您命名过程forwardorleftright

你不需要写[pcolor = green] of patch-here,你可以写pcolor = green。海龟可以直接访问它所在的补丁的变量。


  • 您说代码有时有效,有时无效。什么情况下有效,什么情况下无效?如果你能在那里找到一个模式,那将为你提供关于正在发生的事情的线索。

  • 该代码的最后一个有效版本是什么?回到那个版本再试一次,但这一次,不要一次添加这么多新代码。只需添加一点新代码,并在添加更多代码之前确保它按预期工作。回想一下我对你上一个问题的回答:先尝试解决一个更简单的问题,让它发挥作用,然后稍微改进一下,等等。

  • 尝试print在您的代码中添加一些语句,以便代码在运行时“对话”并向您展示它在做什么。这可能是程序员用来帮助他们发现代码中的问题的第一技术。

于 2013-11-04T12:53:30.123 回答


迷宫中的 NetLogo 海龟


于 2013-11-04T11:05:49.083 回答