
Yeah,I use FireFox and IE9.0+,sometimes,Chrome.

Chrome always takes much RAM usage but it is faster. IE10 which i am using is much faster than before,but because of my win7 os,I can't sync nothing simply. So,I like FireFox best.

Well,I want to implement the function in a app like this: When i use IE to browse pages, I wanna watch the favorites's folder in real time,if i add a page to favorites, the app will create a online bookmark immediately into firefox's bookmarks which has been logined .

How to implement?Have any sapiential ideas in your mind?

Best in javascript or c# language!

Pls share for me ,thanks in advance!


1 回答 1


对于堆栈溢出中的其他答案,我获得了操作Firefox书签的正确技能。Firefox在线书签存储在名为“places.sqlite”的sqlite中作为备份文件。在我的电脑里,它在“C:\Users\xx\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\gyhdax0e.default”下,xx代表你的windows当前用户名,最新的文件夹(gyhdax0e.default)将是另一个您计算机中的名称(例如 abcdef.default)。



于 2013-11-29T08:43:06.610 回答