I am currently trying to build a form using mysql/php, below is part of the code I have so far
$proceso = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); // my query returns only one row
<form action='actualizar.php' method='Post'>
foreach(array_keys($proceso) as $key){
echo "<label for='$key'>$key: </label>";
echo "<input name='$key' value='".$proceso[$key]."'><br/>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='View' value='$view'>";
<input type="submit" value="Actualizar">
This so far is getting me a form where I'm using the field names to generate labels and input boxes where i show the field value. I would like to further format some of the fields using the jquery datepicker, but only for those fields which have a type = Date in the mysql table.
I've been trying mysqli_fetch_field_direct
using something like:
$fields = mysqli_num_fields($result);
for ($i=0; $i < $fields; $i++) {
$field_types[] = $result->fetch_field_direct($i)->type;
but in this case I can't get the value, just the type
Is there a straightforward way to get the type and value of a field?
Edited to (try) to simplify:
Let's say I have a field called email
which has type = varchar
and my SQL query generates one result test@example.com
From BLOCK#1 I get:
Field-Name | Field-Value
email | test@example.com
From BLOCK#2 I get:
Field-Name | Field-Type
email | varchar
what I would like is to get
Field-Name | Field-Type | Field-Value
email | varchar | test@example.com
This is because I would like to use the field type to add a css class to the input box (such as to use the datepicker).