- 问学生姓名。
- 询问课程名称(不能小于 0 --> 如果是,错误信息。)
- 询问他们提交了多少作业。
- 根据#3,提出一些问题,例如可能的总分和获得的总分,以生成进度报告。
除了#4 的开头部分,我没有为任何事情苦苦挣扎。我不完全确定如何创建一个针对已提交的许多作业运行的循环?
String studentName = " ";
String courseName = " ";
int assign = 0;
int loop = 0;
int totalScore = 0;
int scorethisAssign = 0;
System.out.println("Enter student name:");
studentName = input.next();
System.out.println("Enter course name:");
courseName = input.next();
System.out.println("How many assignments have you submitted:");
assign = input.nextInt();
while (assign <= 0) {
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("You must enter a number greater than 0 -- TRY AGAIN!");
System.out.println("How many assignments have you submitted:");
assign = input.nextInt();
while (assign > loop);
System.out.println("How many points was assignment "loop + "worth:");
scorethisAssign = input.nextInt();
totalScore = scorethisAssign + totalScore;
Enter student name: Prince Harry
Enter course name: Intro to College Life
How many assignments have you submitted: 4
How many points was assignment 1 worth: 100
How many points did you score: 45
How many points was assignment 2 worth: 75
How many points did you score: 46
How many points was assignment 3 worth: 100
How many points did you score: 83
How many points was assignment 4 worth: 100
How many points did you score: 74
Progress Report for Prince Harry
Course Name is Intro to College Life
Number of assignments submitted.....4
Total points possible...............375.00
Total points earned.................248.00
Total percent to date...............66.13%
Letter grade to date................D
Enter yes if there is another class you want to calculate: no