我需要对嵌入式硬件进行运行时堆栈分析,以确保分配了足够的堆栈空间。我了解基本理论。在启动时,您使用已知模式(例如所有 0xFF 或 0xAA)初始化堆栈,然后让您的程序运行。随着它的运行,堆栈会增长和缩小,但它永远不会恢复原始模式。在足够长的时间后,检查堆栈并找到要更改的最后一个堆栈值的地址。

我不需要便携式解决方案,只需要 dsPIC33EP512MU810 和 PIC32MX795F512 的解决方案。我的后备计划是逐渐减少堆栈大小,直到我得到堆栈溢出,但这只有在我有一个候选发布时才有效,我更喜欢一个在整个开发和生产过程中持续监控的解决方案。


3 回答 3


这是我最终用于带有 XC16 编译器的 dsPIC33EP512MU810 的代码。通过创建一个自动变量,我可以访问堆栈顶部附近,然后增加几个字节 ( STACK_VAR_PAD),并用保护字节填充堆栈的其余部分。

#define STACK_VAR_PAD           0x0020
#define TOP_OF_STACK_ADDR       0x4000
#define STACK_GUARD_BYTE        0xEE

void WriteStackGuardBytes(void)
    static __eds__ char * ptr;
    static unsigned int start_addr;
    static unsigned int addr;

    //Use a variable on the stack
    char stack_var;

    ptr = &stack_var;
    //Casting to 32-bit first supresses complier warning
    //This chip uses a 16-bit address space
    start_addr = (unsigned long int)ptr + STACK_VAR_PAD;

    for (addr = start_addr; addr < TOP_OF_STACK_ADDR; addr++)
        *((unsigned int *)(addr)) = STACK_GUARD_BYTE;

unsigned int ReadStackGuardBytes(void)
    static __eds__ char * ptr;
    static unsigned int start_addr;
    static unsigned int addr;
    static unsigned int top_addr;

    //Use a variable on the stack here
    char stack_var;

    ptr = &stack_var;
    //Casting to 32-bit first supresses complier warning
    //This chip uses a 16-bit address space
    start_addr = (unsigned long int)ptr;
    top_addr = start_addr;

    for (addr = start_addr; addr < TOP_OF_STACK_ADDR; addr++)
        if (*((unsigned int *)(addr)) != STACK_GUARD_BYTE)
            top_addr = addr;

    return TOP_OF_STACK_ADDR - top_addr;


于 2013-11-18T16:23:15.247 回答

我在 dsPICEP 系列上的“DrRobotNinja”的上述代码中遇到了一些错误,主要是使所有内容都使用 16 位变量 + 将地址增加 2 而不是 1,以通过保持字对齐来停止地址错误

#define STACK_VAR_PAD           0x0020
#define STACK_GUARD_BYTE        0xA1DE

void WriteStackGuardBytes(void)
    static __eds__ int * ptr;
    static unsigned int start_addr;
    static unsigned int addr;

    //Use a variable on the stack
    int stack_var;

    ptr = &stack_var;
    //Casting to 32-bit first supresses complier warning
    //This chip uses a 16-bit address space
    start_addr = (unsigned long int)ptr + STACK_VAR_PAD;

    for (addr = start_addr; addr < TOP_OF_STACK_ADDR; addr += 2)
        *((unsigned int *)(addr)) = STACK_GUARD_BYTE;

unsigned int ReadStackGuardBytes(void)
    static __eds__ int * ptr;
    static unsigned int start_addr;
    static unsigned int addr;
    static unsigned int top_addr;

    //Use a variable on the stack here
    int stack_var;

    ptr = &stack_var;
    //Casting to 32-bit first supresses complier warning
    //This chip uses a 16-bit address space
    start_addr = (unsigned long int)ptr;
    top_addr = start_addr;

    for (addr = start_addr; addr < TOP_OF_STACK_ADDR; addr += 2)
        if (*((unsigned int *)(addr)) != STACK_GUARD_BYTE)
            top_addr = addr;
            break; //make this more robust and search for 2-3 consecutive 

    return TOP_OF_STACK_ADDR - top_addr;
于 2015-08-31T22:55:49.407 回答




于 2013-11-04T15:17:10.497 回答